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你会搬家么?Would you move?

所以海狸搬家了。So he moved out.

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我忙乎着搬家呢!I'm busy moving house.

他是来帮我们搬家的。He came to help us move.

王家已经搬家了。The Wangs have moved away.

但物种和生态圈不能搬家。Species and habitats can't.

你给搬家公司打过电话了吗?Have you phoned the remover?

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他和拉莫尔搬家去了伦敦。He and Lahrmer moved to London.

最近“搬家”二字一听就头疼。RCT "move" become a rough word.

王家下星期搬家。The Wangs are moving next week.

每一次搬家都是因为工作关系。Every move has been job-related.

搬家卡车出租沃斯堡。Transfer Truck Rental Fort Worth.

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全新越野面包车搬家出租暗访40元起!New off-road minibuses 40 yuan up!

恒坤陆运面包车搬家出租50元起!New off-road minibuses 50 yuan up!

又忙着搬家具搬来搬去的!I am busy, busy to move my fitment!

把这个箱子搬搬家,别挡路。Please move the box out of the way.

搬家这件事真够受的!What a business it is moving house!

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但是自从我们搬家,我只做饭和搞卫生。But since we moved I just cook and clean.

我们搬家前,会办一个车库售物活动。I will have a garage sale before we move.

不用了,谢谢,我们雇了搬家公司。No, thank you, we hired a moving company.