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那样的唐突很不寻常。The brusqueness is unusual.

它看起来一点都不唐突。It seems pretty unobtrusive.

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请原谅我这个唐突的问题。Excuse me for my abrupt question.

苏格拉底的作法相对唐突。Socrates does something rather abrupt.

“打扰了。”她唐突地向爱德华说道。Excuse me, " she said brusquely to Edward."

他又一次把我转过来,礼貌而唐突。He turned me around again, politely and abruptly.

他语气的特点是唐突而又冷淡。His tone was characterized by curtness and dryness.

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我一回来就立刻向你提这件事,的确是太唐突了。It was very abrupt to come home and speak to you all at once.

可我怕唐突,心下竟又生起无限怯意。But I am afraid of abrupt, heart unexpectedly having infinite timid.

她没有觉得这个请求很唐突并且乐意帮我。She didn’t think this was an odd request and was happy to oblige me.

这个神秘的故事结尾很唐突,对罪行没有什么交代。The mystery novel came to an abrupt end without explaining the crime.

这个唐突的行为使你们很容易接受阿努纳奇的严重操纵。This abrupt act left you open to severe manipulations by the Anunnaki.

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唐突的腐败的男人将被复印的代码侵蚀在一段腐蚀情节中。The abrupt corrupt man had the xeroxed code corroded in the erosion episode.

在我们听来,这似乎是唐突无礼,其实它并非冷淡或失敬。This answer, abrupt as it seems to us, expressed no coldness or discourtesy.

⊙、我想我还是不会装糊涂过于坚持才把这份爱变的唐突。I don't think that I was too insist on playing dumb to get this love change abruptly.

如果没有清晰的结构,你的博文表述可能会显得唐突或者混乱。Without a clear structure, your post is likely to come across as abrupt or confusing.

伊丽莎白觉得她这些话问得唐突,不过还是心平气和地回答了她。Elizabeth felt all the impertinence of her questions, but answered them very composedly.

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如果我突然对你说谢谢,会不会显得有些唐突呢,但这句话却是我内心真实的想法。If I suddenly to say thank you, it will appear some abruptness, but it is my real thoughts.

“啊,传统的装卸设备,”一个人唐突地咕哝着。“啊,传统的铲车”“Ah, the traditional loader,” one man mumbled irreverently. “Ah, the traditional forklift.”

我还没有把画夹上的绳子扎好,他就看了看表,唐突地说。I had scarce tied the strings of the portfolio, when, looking at his watch, he said abruptly.