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这种恶性循环要不得。This is a vicious cycle.

这有可能成为一个恶性循环。This can be a dangerous cycle.

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就这样,恶性循环又开始了。And so the vicious cycle begins.

这个过程将成为自我强化的恶性循环。The process becomes a self-reinforcing feedback loop.

其结果是一个恶性循环,加速局地的暖化。The result is a feedback loop that accelerates local warming.

无论如何必须打破这一恶性循环。This vicious circle must be broken somehow,” Urani explained.

那么,哈布斯堡如何才能逃脱这种恶性循环呢?Yet how could the habsburgs escape from this vicious circle ?

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循环并不一定是恶性循环。A circle, in other words, is not necessarily a vicious circle.

“这是一种恶性循环,”I·S·楚汉医生说,他负责巡视医院病房。“This is a cycle,” said Dr. I. S. Chauhan, who oversees the wards.

想从地狱里逃脱让这件事情更加罪恶,这就形成了一个恶性循环。As a vicious cycle, craving to exit from hell makes it more hellish.

伯纳和格瑞劳说,当前形势正从恶性循环转向良性循环。Berner and Greenlaw say the cycle is moving from 'vicious to virtuous.

这可能会让地方政府陷入资金紧张的恶性循环。That could drop local governments into a vicious circle of cash strains.

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决策者们准备采取措施打破这种恶性循环码?Are policy makers ready to do what it takes to break this vicious circle?

这样导致的结果是,宏观经济像当年一样陷入衰退的恶性循环。And the result, now as then, is a vicious circle of financial contraction.

“这似乎就是一个恶性循环,”17岁的彼得·康在接受采访时说。"It just seems like a vicious cycle, " Mr. Kang, 17, said in an interview.

这些措施有利于英国成为第一个走出债务和经济增长降速恶性循环的国家。Those steps position it to be first out of this debt driven downward cycle.

于是恶性循环,再来一轮,再赌一把。So the bad circulation still goes around, one more round, betting once more.

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很显然,这是一个恶性循环过程,其最终的结果是洞室的完全坍塌破坏。Obviously, it is a vicious circle, the complete collapse will be the last result.

由于负债者被迫抛售资产,导致价格下跌,这可能会导致恶性循环。This can causeavicious circle as debtors forced to sell assets, driving prices down.

当你害怕英文时又会去逃避阅读英文,这是一个恶性循环。If you are afraid of English, you won't try to read English and it is a vicious cycle.