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充其量可以说,“独尊儒术”开武帝政治开放之一途。So, it was hard to regard the political opening of Emperor Hanwu as a product of "the Confucianism Worship Alone".

董仲舒提出的“罢黜百家,独尊儒术”在这一过程中尤为重要。During the course , it is very important that Dong Zhongshu proposed to"Ban from hundred philosophers, venerate Confucianism".

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它自汉武帝"罢黜百家,独尊儒术"以来便一直居于主导地位,且广泛而深刻地影响着中华民族历史的各个时期。Since its appearance, it has taken the dominant position and influenced all respects of Chinese history extensively and deeply.

从西汉确定“独尊儒术”思想以来,中国古代封建君主一直以儒家思想作为其统治的依据。Since Wester Han Dynasty which worshiped confucianism only, ancient feudal rulers in China always based their rule on confucianism.

汉代公羊学是一个相当成功的学术流派,它在汉代“独尊儒术”的进程中有着至关重要的作用。The Gong-yang School was a successful academic clique. It had played a vital role for the official scholarship of the Confucianism.

中庸之道作为儒家推崇的处世之道,一直贯穿于“独尊儒术”的整个中国古代的文化之中。Respected as the Confucian doctrine of the mean attitude of life, has been run through an "overwhelming Confucianism" in the culture of ancient China as a whole.

汉武帝罢黜百家,独尊儒术后,不仅创建太学,而且也确立了汉代的选举制度。After rejecting all kinds of theoretical schools but Confucius, The emperor Han Wudi did not only found Taixue, but also establish election system of Han dynasty.

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此类价值观来源于独尊儒术之前的“原本儒家”、孟子和荀子。Such values owe their origin to the "original Confucianism" of Confucius, Mencius, and Xunzi, which existed before Confucianism became established as state orthodoxy.

但是,自汉武帝独尊儒术后,儒家一直提的是三代、尧、舜,孔子是其中的中心人物。However, since the Han Dynasty, after only use Confucianism, Confucianism has been mentioned that three generations of Yao, Shun, Confucius is one of the central figure.

我们可以看到,在“独尊儒术”近300年之后,人的思维还是相当开放的,对不同的人生哲学都可接受。Therefore, we can see that people's minds were still receptive to other philosophies even after 300 years that Confucianism had been chosen as the mainstream philosophy of China.

借助于儒经的缘饰,诏书除起到布达政令取信臣民的作用外,亦收弘扬儒术教化万民之效。Confucianism by means of the fringe, Buda government edict to win the trust of play in addition to the role of subjects also received education promoting Confucianism Wanmin effect.

汉代独尊儒术后,儒家民本思想在政治法律思想中既有延续,又存在制度中的缺失。Then, the author examines the persistence and absence of Confucian people-oriented thoughts in the political thoughts and institutions since Han Dynasty when Confucianism was honored only.