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你能学以致用吗?Can you apply your skill purposefully ?

迂腐之士讥笑学以致用的教育。Pedants sneer at an education which is useful.

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学用结合,学以致用,是一个学子不懈的追求。Learning to use and using to learn is our pursues.

这是一个学以致用的好机会。This is a good chance to apply knowledge to practice.

如果他们明智,他们就能学以致用,使自己变得更游刃有余。If they're wise, they can put this to use, and appear smarter.

如果他们明智,他们就能学以致用,使自己变得更游刃有余。If they’re wise, they can put this to use, and appear smarter.

我们必须坚持学以致用的原则。We must adhere to the principle of making study serve the practical purpose.

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学习剧本写作最好的方法之一,是观察此领域中的佼佼者,并学以致用。One of the best ways to learn screenwriting is to observe masters in the field.

在你已经养成良好的习惯并学以致用后,过程就会变得简单多了。The process becomes easier as you establish good habits and apply your learnings.

他们不仅学习了商业管理理论方面的课程,并且学以致用。They have learned the lessons of business management theory, and put them into action.

重视实践性教学,激励学员学以致用。Pay more attention to practical teaching to stimulate the students to learn for practice.

多引进一些贴近学生生活,社会的实验,达到学以致用。Bring in some experiments which are close to life and society for the purpose of practice.

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积极学习者能够更快获得新技巧而且更好的学以致用。Active learners are able to acquire new skills faster and put what they know to better use.

高校的日语教学必须适应新时代的要求,与时俱进,遵守学以致用的原则。College Japanese teaching must adapt to new times, and make practical use of the knowledge.

学以致用。语言是用来交换思想,进行交流沟通的!Study English in order to apply it. Language is for the exchange of ideas, for communication.

而其中的大部分表示,他们将学以致用,在伊拉克干出自己的一番事业。Many of them say they want to put their skills to work building up private enterprise in Iraq.

就让这里成为你学以致用的起点吧。Let this be your starting point to take what I have written about and apply it to your own forms.

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干脆帮我们查文献资料吧,正好学以致用。Helps us to look up the literature material simply, happen to studies for the purpose of application.

他思想的核心是“经世”,他治学的宗旨是“学以致用”。His thought core is "Jingshi". The objective of his research is "studies for the purpose of application".

她正因为这种价值观而选读会计,并打算毕业后学以致用,回馈社会。Those values led her to study accounting, and will later allow her to make a contribution back to society.