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第四部分谈法治与德治统一之实践论。Part Four is about the practice of unifying rule of law and rule of morality.

现代图书馆学的实践论是对现代社会的价值贡献。The modern library science on practice is a valuable contribution to modern society.

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人是实践和认识的主体,是实践论、认识论之根本。Humans is the practice and of the understanding main body, is basis of the On Practice, the epistemology.

庄子的道既是本体论、认识论,又是方法论、实践论。Zhuangzi's Tao is not only the ontology and the epistemology, but also the methodology and the positivism.

超越本体论和实践论上的障碍,是实现区域发展权的必由之路。Exceeding the barriers of Ontology and Epistemology is the only way to achieve the right of regional development.

实践论思维方式的基本特征主要在于它的现实性、具体性和中介性。The basic character of mode of thinking on practical theory mainly lies in its reality, particularity and medium.

主体间性是主体在生存论和交往实践论层面上的自我反思与批判。Inter-subjectivity is a self-reflection and criticism about the subjectivity at the level of survival and practice.

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宇宙和谐论和马克思辩证唯物主义的实践论是工程美学的理论基础。Harmony of the universe and practice of dialectical materialism are both theoretical foundation of engineering aesthetics.

认为通识教育研究的基础是通识教育实践论,关键是通识教育认识论。It has been believed that the basis of general-knowledge education is the theory of its practice and the key is its epistemology.

从本体论到实践论,标志着哲学论人的方法发生了根本性的变化。From ontology to practicalism, it signifies that fundamental changes have taken place in the method on human beings in philosophy.

马克思主义的科学技术思想主要体现为一种关于科技文化的实践论批判叙事。Marxist thought on science and technology presents itself as a practical and critical narration of science and technology culture.

但马克思主义哲学本身并不就是物质本体论,而是物质本体论和实践论的统一。However, the Marxism philosophy itself is not the substance ontology but the unity with the substance ontology and the practice theory.

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论争集中体现于“后实践美学”的超越性批判和实践论美学的改造性维护。The controversy focused on the transcending criticism to post practical aesthetics and the creative maintenance of practical aesthetics.

中国传统美学的直观把握方式可以通过实践论哲学得到现代性阐释,并成为实践论哲学理解审美和艺术本质的一种思想方法论资源。Zong Baihua contributed a lot to the study of traditional Chinese aesthetics, and he probed into the universe noumenon of the Chinese art.

高度重视和强调马克思主义文艺发展观和实践论,是建国前周扬现实主义理论的逻辑起点。Zhou Yang's Realism theory before the founding of the PRC took Marxism literary development view and the practice theory as the logical starting point.

把握德育的辩证本性需要超越直观思维,转而运用马克思主义以实践论为基础的辩证思维。Grasping the dialectic nature of moral education need transcend intuitionist thinking, and apply dialectic thinking of Marxism based on practical theory.

实践论思维方式也是现代价值哲学研究价值现象的正确合理的思维方式。Mode of thinking on practical theory is also the true and rational mode of thinking by which modern axiological philosophy studies axiological phenomena.

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李泽厚美学是20世纪后期处于中国美学主流地位的“实践论美学”的杰出代表。LI Ze-hou's aesthetics is outstanding representative of Chinese aesthetics mainstream position on"practical aesthetics" in the later period of 20th century.

通过恩格斯对数学概念、物理学概念、形而上学概念的考察可以看出,恩格斯的自然科学认识论属于实践论。We get the conclusion, through Engels' review on the concepts of mathematics, physics and metaphysics, that his epistemology belongs to the theory of practice.

而从马克思哲学本体论来看,实践是一个本体论的范畴,它是与人的存在紧密相关的,因而实践论与存在论是相互统一的。However, from the ontology in Marxist Philosophy, practice is in the area of ontology, and it is related to the existence of people, so the theory of practice is united with the existentialist.