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当仁不让吧,诗神,我要教你怎样。Then do thy office Muse, I teach thee how.

现在,她已成了他一切仁慈行为当仁不让的助手。She had now the right to be his helpmate in his all kind deeds.

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在古代羽毛的研究领域,中科院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所的古生物学家徐星是当仁不让的权威专家。Few scientists know ancient feathers more intimately than IVPP's Xu Xing.

至于最受教练喜爱的球员,“蜂王”保罗无疑是当仁不让的头号人选。As coach of the most popular players, the "queen" Paul is doing my number one choice.

英雄舍我其谁,胜利当仁不让,声声誓言浸透着健儿们的昂扬斗志。Personal heroes, the clear victory, and again vowed to stay in the athletes of high morale.

当条件成熟时,当仁不让地扩大受案范围。When conditions are ripe, the scope of the cases accepted shall of course be responsibly expanded.

成熟灵的自我发掘和自我发展使得狮子座成为这个阶段当仁不让之选。The self-exploration and self-development of this cycle also make Leo just the sign for this cycle.

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教会爆发了反抗,弥尔顿当仁不让的站在了清教徒一方,支持布道。A struggle breaks out in the church, and Milton naturally takes the Puritan position in favor of preaching.

日本这个国家,后辈服从先辈的指示是一种理所当然而且当仁不让的事情。In such a country like Japan, it is something naturally and cannot refuse of junior follow senior's orders.

这一次,裁判相信是有球员被非法放倒,而鲁尼当仁不让将球大力罚入网内。This time the referee did agree a player had been illegally brought down and Rooney duly scored with an emphatic shot.

装饰主题一直在变化,从外太空到鲜黄粉红色系、蓝绿色系不等,而今年,世界盃当仁不让成为最新一期主题。Themes have ranged from outer space to colours yellow, pink, turquoise, and this year, it pays homage to the World Cup.

梅策尔德即将前往皇马另谋高就,一旦图多尔加盟多特蒙德,他将是这名大将当仁不让的替代人选。Tudor would be seen as a direct replacement for Christoph Metzelder who will be joining Real Madrid at the seasons end.

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不过当你骄傲显示你的成就的时候会当仁不让的成为一个耀眼的明星。All of these rewards are purely cosmetic and just for fun, but you'll certainly stand out when you proudly display them.

结果,他们当仁不让地在更多不知名的仓储式商店购物,使用自助付款登记簿。As a result, they have no problem shopping at the more anonymous big-box stores and using self-serve checkout registers.

装饰主题一直在变化,从外太空到鲜黄粉红色系、蓝绿色系不等,而今年,世界杯当仁不让成为最新一期主题。Themes have ranged from outer space to colours yellow, pink, turquoise, and this year, it pays homage to the World Cup.

今天做为牛顿的现任接班人,他怀着当仁不让的相同抱负,朝向无边无际的时间与空间进发。Here is the present heir to Newton's title, embarked on a voyage of equal ambition, into the infinities of space and time.

被业内戏称为“勇吃大螃蟹”的桐昆集团,在淘汰落后方面自然是当仁不让。Are play in the industry known as "eat crabs" Tong Kun group, in terms of eliminating backward nature is the yield to nobody.

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想去饭馆用餐,新天地是当仁不让的首选,那里有外滩最好的美食之一。For a good restaurant meal, look no further than the Xintiandi district and for some of the best food in town head to the Bund.

从奥运的报道力度来看,四大门户投入巨大、当仁不让。From the point of the reportorial strength of the Olympic Games, 4 big doors throw tremendous, not decline to shoulder a responsibility.

这将会一块里程碑似的任务,你们的行动表明这正当其时,对此,我们当仁不让。It is a monumental task. But it just may be that we are uniquely suited to it. Your actions have begun to prove that this may be the case.