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你好,京味餐馆。Hello, this is Jingwei Restaurant.

茶馆文化是极具中国京味特色的文化。Tea culture is a special form of culture with a decidedly Beijing touch about it.

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北京是六朝古都,已经形成了独具特色的京味文化。Beijing is the capital of 6 dynasties and have formed its own very unique culture.

说起京味文学,不能不弄明白它的含义。Mentions the Beijing style literature, has no alternative but to ravel its meaning.

晚上我们全家在一家叫“京味轩”的饭馆吃北京菜。For dinner we went to a place called "Taste Good Beijing Cuisine" for some Beijing, well, cuisine.

幽默是冯小刚贺岁片的最大魅力,鲜明的京韵和京味则是其显著特色。Humor is the most fascination of Feng Xiaogang 's New Year Movie, and distinct Beijing-flavor is their remarkable characteristic.

评论界对这一创作的源头进行了追认,指出老舍是京味文学创作的第一代。Comment on the source of the creative sector was ratified, pointing out that Lao She was the first generation of Beijing City's literary creation.

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坐落在北京京味十足的风景胜地什刹海的后海,宋庆龄故居西侧。Nine Gate Snacks is located beside Rear Sea of Shicha Lake, a scenic resort with full Beijing atmosphere, and at the west side of former residence of Soong Ching-ling.

老舍作品对北京文化的准确阐释确立了“京味”文学的价值和地位,并以此见出北京文化及其发展对老舍小说及“京味”文学的影响和制约。His accurate interpretation of the Beijing culture has set up the value and status of the "Beijing estate" of literature, which in turn reflects the impact upon his literary works.

在他心目中,前门的商业繁荣是老字号们一手创造出来的,外国人进来,非得把这条街搅浑,让原有的京腔京味变淡了。In his mind, the front door of the business prosperity to the old name-created by the foreigners in, got this stirred muddy streets, the original opera smeared out of the Beijing City.

他们把京味文学从美学热潮引向商业热潮,使小说与影视创作在90年代达到美学追求与商业旺销的双赢。They lead Jingwei commercial literature from an aesthetic boom, so that fiction and film and television creative pursuit of aesthetics in the 90 years to achieve strong sales and business win-win.