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我曾经侧面打听过。I have inquired about it.

在一个外圈侧面。In one outer ring side face.

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堡垒侧面靠着沼泽。The fort flanked on a swamp.

这件裙子在侧面有钩扣住。This skirt hooks on the side.

三向侧面跳开始。Start with three hops to the side.

肋骨和臀骨之间的侧面。The side between ribs and hipbone.

小汽车撞了卡车的侧面。The car hit the truck broadside on.

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开孔安装,侧面进线形式。Bulkhead mounting and side entry type.

这两根键只能侧面重叠。These two are going to smear laterally.

向侧面,向中心,向内部。Toward the inside, center, or interior.

那艘船的侧面已过凿穿了。The side of the boat had been staved in.

我的汽车侧面有一道划痕。There's a scratch on the side of my car.

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把抽屉的侧面牢固地接合起来…Securely jointed the sides of the drawer.

由于撞击,汽车的侧面被撞破了。The car's side was stove in by the crash.

损坏的船向侧面倾斜。The damaged ship was leaning over to port.

口端位与侧面又没有下巴触须。Mouth terminal and lateral, no chin barbel.

另两根是从侧面重叠的。The other two are going to smear laterally.

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电缆连接也可提供侧面进线形式。Throuhg-panel connector and top entry type.

一只盒子有盖,有底,还有四个侧面。A box has a top , a bottom , and four sides.

轻拍罐子外侧面巩固土壤。Tap the sides of the pot to settle the soil.