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红山上,红山下,三十二匹白玉马。Thirty-two white horses on a red hill.

这个白玉挂件真的是物美价廉。This white jade pendant is a good buy.

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小时不识月,呼作白玉盘。Hour do not know, call for white plate.

产品材质为白玉和国画石。Products for Chinese stone material report.

白玉堂在心里嘀咕道。The white jade hall in mind whispers a access.

格萨尔达拉距白玉乡府所在地38公里。It is situated from Beiyu commune about 38 kilometers.

我煮黄玉米和白玉米饭,但不煮红玉米饭。?。I cook yellow corn and white corn, but I don't cook red corn.

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一块羊脂白玉的价值动辄成千上万,甚至价值连城。One suet-jade may costs thousands of money or even priceless.

其实从外观上辨别和田白玉有几个方面。In fact, from appearance to identify a number of white Hotan area.

谷歌一下”白玉“。想像一下女孩的皮肤像那种颜色。Google image 'white jade'. Imagine a girl with skin color like that.

有一块可爱的白玉,形状是一只嘴巴被蛤蚌紧紧夹住的鹳。One pretty white jade showed a stork with its beak held tight by a clam.

如果白玉不能称为天堂的话,那么其它的地方真的就是百分之百的地狱了。If Baiyu can't be named heaven, other places are really the absolute hell.

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白玉卧佛是中国现存最大的玉佛。The White Jade Reclining Buddha is the biggest jade Buddha extant in China.

清代重白玉,尤尚羊脂白玉,黄玉极少,也受到爱重。Qing heavy white, especially white tallow yet, topaz few, have also been re-love.

由于一场大雨,数千旅客滞留在白玉机场。Because of the heavy rain, thousands of passengers were detained at BaiYu airport.

与对照白玉霓白葡萄酒相比,香气具有一定的典型性。Compared with Ugni Blanc white wine, Ecolly white wine has typical characteristics.

胖闺女上门挑战,一场混战中,白玉萍小产了。Fat daughter comes to challenge, in a battle royal, miscarriage of white jade duckweed.

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白玉和碧翠钻石和金银,在父仓库里,积蓄丰富满盈。Of rubies and diamonds, of silver and gold, His coffers are full, He has riches untold.

锁的另一面是一块包在敲花的银边框里的和田白玉。The reverse side of the lock holds nephrite jade with a floral repoussé silver surround.

在那苦水之滨,养育了黄玉米与白玉米。Split place, bitter water place, is the name, the yellow corn, white corn, came from there.