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圣尼古拉得知,有个人因债台高筑而深感绝望。St. Nicholas learned about a man who was hopelessly in debt.

许多欧洲人担心,其他债台高筑的国家很快将步其后尘。Many Europeans worry other high debt countries could be next.

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他债台高筑,面对他的是财产的没收。He was deep in debt and faced with forfeiture of his property.

尽管收入不少,但他挥霍无度,经常债台高筑。Despite this, he was so extravagant that he was always in debt.

不少行业巨头为债台高筑的企业开出天价。Most big firms paid silly prices for companies using sillier levels of debt.

这种人多半会自取其辱,最后栽在债台高筑的漩涡之中。These people would ask for insult and come down in the world for heavy debt.

但尽管希腊方面在奥运会债台高筑,中国政府则接近于可以取得预算盈馀。But while Greek debt spiraled after the Games, China is close to a national budget surplus.

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不过这有助于打消爱尔兰问题扩散至其他债台高筑欧元区国家的疑虑.That helped dampen fears of contagion from Ireland to other highly-indebted euro zone members.

但重建所需资金会给已经债台高筑的日本政府蒙上一层阴影。But rebuilding efforts are likely going to be painful given the government’s already-high debt load.

比如说,詹姆斯·麦迪逊和托马斯·杰斐逊,渐渐入不敷出,去世时债台高筑。James Madison and Thomas Jefferson, for instance, fell from financial grace and died awash in debts.

经济形势惨淡,加之广告收入急剧下降,公司债台高筑,不堪重负。A collapsing economy and severe falloff of advertising revenue were too much to support the debt load.

由于我已缴了孩子们的学杂费,在以后的6个月中我将债台高筑。Now that I've paid the children's school fees, I'll be head-over-heels in debt for the next six months.

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精明的赫特人给他住处和食物,但只支付微薄的工资,让他永远债台高筑。The shrewd Hutt kept Barada forever in his debt by paying him a pittance yet charging him room and board.

越来越多的人已无力面对债台高筑的情况。在房地产市场,这一问题尤其严重。Many people who fall behind on their mortgages never catch up. In these markets, the problem is especially bad.

欧股收盘走高,欧盟各国财长承诺为债台高筑的欧洲国家建立欧洲金融安全网。European stocks rose as euro-area finance ministers pledged to strengthen the safety net for debt- strapped countries.

日本捕鲸船员们比往年更感到挫败、愤怒,因为他们的利润大打折扣,债台高筑。The frustration and anger of the Japanese whalers is becoming stronger as their profits are negated and their debt rises.

由于我已缴了应纳的税和孩子们的学杂费,在以后的6个月中我将债台高筑。Now that I've paid the tax demand and the children's school fees, I'll be head-over-heels in debt for the next six months.

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虽然这样的政策有利于避免出现债台高筑的情况,但同时也限制了决策者通过减税或退税刺激经济增长的能力。While the rules discourage big debt buildups, they also limit policy makers' scope to stoke growth with tax cuts or rebates.

一桩销售男性杂志过刊的邮购生意让他债台高筑,妻子也离他而去,并带走了孩子们。A mail-order business, selling back issues of men's magazines, put him deep in debt, and his wife left him, taking the children.

一桩销售男性杂志过刊的邮购生意让他债台高筑,妻子也离他而去,并带走了孩子们。A mail-order business, selling back issues of men’s magazines, put him deep in debt, and his wife left him, taking the children.