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他的音域不断变化,而且十分宽广。His range is very dynamic and wide.

在高的音域更容易被听到It's easier to hear in a high range.

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二胡的音域有三个八度。The range consists of three octaves.

为什么在高音域更容易被听到呢Why is it easier to hear in a high range?

一般按四五度定弦,音域三个八度。Its range is generally five octaves and three-eighths.

语调则不受语速、音域宽度和四声的影响。Underlying intonations however are not influenced by speed, pitch or tones.

而要想有一个宽广的音域,解决好高音区的训练是关键中的关键。And to have a broad range , high resolving key areas of training is the key.

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但切除喉上神经的外支可使患者的音域发生改变。But on the excision throat nerve outside may cause patient's range to have the change.

随着轻柔的钢琴声和低音域和弦,这是一篇温柔的序曲。With quiet piano-pianissimo chords in the lower strings, it's a very gentle introduction.

大部分男歌手根据音域分为男高音、男中音和男低音。We classify most male singers as tenors, baritones and basses according to their registers.

大部分男歌手根据音域分为男高音、中音和男低音。We classify most male singers as tenors, baritones and basses according to their registers.

唱法上音域宽广,男女同腔同调,男腔用假声。Singing on a broad range of men and women with cohomology cavity, cavity with male falsetto.

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因此伴奏的音域或者音高,常常告诉我们这个信息So range or position here in the accompaniment can oftentimes signal this information to us.

男高音声部的确定要综合音色、音域、换声区等诸多因素,尤其是戏剧型男高音的确认需谨慎鉴别。The part of tenors should be determined by such factors as tone color, compass, tone change range, etc.

他的嗓音富有磁性且灵活多变,令人赞叹的宽广音域适合演绎R&B曲风。He has a magnetic and flexible voice with an impressive vocal range that’s well-suited to the R&B genre.

可用音域是指某一部分的常用音域,可以是高,低或正常。Tessitura signifies the general compass of a particular part, which may be high, low or normal for a voice.

曲调的音域仅有五度,4个乐句皆以级进方式缓缓展开,显得十分内在。The music consists of five notes only, and the four musical phrases are slowly unrolled and very understated.

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Stratocaster在弦桥和琴颈之间还带有第三个拾音器,音域宽广。Strats were configured with a third pickup in between the neck and the bridge, supplying a wider range of tones.

他的大部分作品有强烈的音乐气息。经常会产生出博大的效果,就象管弦乐一样音域宽广。Most of his paintings throw off rich flavor of music, just as orchestral music always produce magnificent effects.

整套编钟音律准确,音色优美,音域宽广,它在地下埋藏了2,000多年,今天依然能用它来演奏音乐。The chimes have a beautiful timber and wide range, and can still be played after being buried for over 2,000 years.