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男人希望获得别人的信任和艳羡。Men want to be trusted and admired.

知道自己是最好的,又何需再去艳羡别人!When you know you are great, you have no need to hate!

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非凡柔顺的秀发,就此开启水润亮泽新纪元,令旁人艳羡不已。Especially the hair smooth, open water, make new shine others envy.

他们总是用很艳羡的目光看着电子邮件自动地“推”向我。They enviously watched as emails were “pushed” to me automatically.

毫无疑问,酒界也隐藏着不少亿万富翁,他们的财富让人艳羡,本文将盘点出酒界10大富豪。Here we count down the world's top 10 richest drinks savvy billionaires.

但是,短暂的往往是那让人艳羡的一米辉煌。However, the short-lived and that people often envy of the one-meter glory.

它们是最令人艳羡的电视机构,也是最赚钱的一家。It is the most envied outfit in television, and one of the most profitable.

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实业家冈崎嘉平太最令人艳羡,他“老朋友”的称号被提到过22次。Entrepreneur Kaheita Okazaki was most widely admired and mentioned 22 times.

我们用不着艳羡别人那些辉煌,我们有我们自己的奇迹,有我们创造的史迹。We needn't envy others the glorious, we have our own miracle, we create historic.

在我试用过程中,Adamo运行良好,而且我带着它所到之处都会引来艳羡的目光。In my tests, the Adamo performed fine, and drew admiring glances wherever I took it.

德文郡的居民则表示对巴尼特的奇遇艳羡不已。The German county's resident expressed that admires to Barnet's fortuitous encounter.

无论到哪,阿斯顿·马丁牌的运动型双门跑车----DB9高雅的外形都能招来人们艳羡的目光。THE elegant silhouette of Aston Martin’s DB9 sports coupé draws admiring gazes anywhere.

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回头一看,只见一只奶牛歪着脑袋,对我们的野外作业表示由衷的艳羡。Turning around, we saw a solitary cow tilting its head, admiring our alfresco fumblings.

一包在手,让你轻轻松松赚取众人的艳羡目光,做引领时尚潮流之达人。It is easy for you to catch all by-standers' eye light with it and to be a fashion leader.

而此次在北京,英国骑手的高科技赛车以及丰厚资金支持却让人艳羡不已。In Beijing the British cyclists' high-tech bikes and budget were the envy of the velodrome.

爷爷看着他的孙子,看到他一脸的闷闷不乐,感觉到了小男孩内心的艳羡之情。Grandpa looked at his grandson, saw the somber look on his face and felt the little boy's envy.

真正自信的人不会妒忌。知道自己是最好的,又何需再去艳羡别人!True confidence leaves no room for jealousy. When you know you are great, you have no need to hate!

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拉霍伊现在要重建一个从未真正存在过的经济基础,这份任务可不怎么令人艳羡。Mr. Rajoy now has been handed the unenviable task of recreating an economy that never really existed.

这个数字看似令人艳羡,但是仔细分析,却发现实则差强人意。This number looks be like Ling Renyan to admire, but anatomize, discover actually is goodish however.

先一睹为快即将出炉的性行为调查结果吧,这些结果可都是由令人艳羡的的录用机会、职位和免费物品换来的哦。Be the first to see upcoming Sex Survey results by signing up for amazing offers, jobs and free stuff.