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他们把我的华诞搞错了。They got my birthdate wrong.

2007年是华新的百年华诞。In 2007 Huaxin turned 100 years old.

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今年是“盖尔人运动协会”125周年华诞。This year the GAA marks its 125th anniversary.

祝华诞快乐并致以最美好的祝愿。Best wishes for your happy birthday and congratulations.

云子在家中给中村功庆贺华诞。Clouds in the home village work to son birthday celebration.

这是他为了迎接新中国60华诞,历时3个多月,用5.5公斤碎头发制作的。It took him more than 3 months to make it from 5.5kg of hair.

我们将送给她一个玻璃的手工制品,作为给她的华诞礼物。We shall send her a glass hand-made craft as her birthday gift.

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百年华诞一家亲,志愿服务在我心。Hundred years of the founding family, volunteer service at my heart.

我不晓得克莱尔华诞的时分该当给她买个什么样的蛋糕。I don't know what kind of cake we should get for Claire for her birthday.

刚刚送走了美丽的嫦娥,又迎来了故国的华诞。Just off the beautiful Dhang E, ushered in the birthday of the motherland.

申孝利为了拉拉的华诞准备了早餐,令拉拉非常打动。ShenXiaoLi for the birthday of the LABS for breakfast, make very affected.

还有这么多的人聚集在一起来庆祝祖国61华诞。There were so many people gathered together to celebrate the 61th anniversary.

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人们大家共祝您华诞快乐,永世健康,前程似锦。We all join wishing you very happy birthday and many years' health prosperity.

好朋友永依要过十一岁的华诞了,祝她华诞快乐!My good friend, Yongyi, is having her eleventh birthday. Wish her happy birthday!

在金秋十月我们迎来了国庆节,也是祖国母亲的60华诞。In golden October we ushered in the National Day, is also the motherland 60 birthday.

之后小风得知阿一送的华诞礼物是颖芝帮助挑的,十分伤心!After small wind that oa send gift is the birthday of the YingZhi help pick, very sad!

阿公出点子帮著拓海构思有希的华诞礼物。ChuDianZi help the Kenyan extension sea conception has herod the birthday of the gift.

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为迎接他二百周年华诞,丹麦人已准备用八个月时间来庆祝。Denmark began eight months of celebrations to coincide with the bicentenary of his birth.

世界各地有关组织已经开始为国际妇女节百年华诞张罗庆典。Organizations nigh the globe have yet commenced planning for their IWD Centenary parties.

中国已经走过了一个60华诞,我相信中国一定会走过一个有一个的60华诞!China has gone through a 60th birthday, I believe China will come a have a 60 anniversary!