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使用权用温度在1350℃以下。Recommended to use below 1350℃.

万一散团的话谁拥有团名的使用权?Who owns the group name in case of dispute?

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土地使用权的生命通常是70岁。Land-use right to life is generally 70 years.

佃农对土地的使用权佃农拥有土地的法律使用权。The legal tenure by which a villein held land.

植物使用权我想起的故乡。This plant makes me think of mcdfds. com hometown.

所有的使用权将完全归本公司。All usage rights will be fully owned by our company.

我们这组将拥有一艘60英尺长的船的单独使用权。Our group will have exclusive use of a 60-foot boat.

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不同互动光碟的使用权包括什麽?。Q. What are the different user rights for our CD-ROMs?

农民合法交易土地使用权多年。Peasants have been legally trading land-use rights for years.

网络罪犯们在黑市上出租他们的僵尸网络的使用权。Cybercriminals rent out use of their botnets on the black market.

最有趣的见闻将会赢得公司赠送的一年商务休息室使用权。The funniest will win access to Flybe's business lounges for a year.

出售专利权,使用权,并提供技术支持。We sell patent right and usufruct of RIAF, and provide tech support.

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第三章是对国有土地使用权法律性质的研究,也是本文的核心部分。Then compares the land-use right with the superficies and the estate.

如有任何争议,李锦记有限公司保留最终使用权。In case of disputes, the decision of Lee Kum Kee Limited will be final.

规例的土地使用权转让价格,控制土地的费用。Regulation of land use right transfer prices, control the cost of land.

今年“中级庄”的使用权又将花落谁家将备受关注。And it draws wide attention as to who will win the title again this year.

村干部可以随时随地任意“重新调整”土地使用权。Village leaders can arbitrarily "readjust" land rights at a moment's notice.

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划拨土地使用权制度形成于计划经济年代。The system of usufruct of allotted land was formed in planned economic times.

以出让方式获得土地使用权,出让金可分段支付。Third, ways to obtain land use right transfer, transfer fees can be paid sub.

财富和金钱,对我们来说,我们只拥有生命时间内的使用权,过期作废。Wealth and money, for us, we only have a life time, the right to use expired.