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她一路骑脚踏车去超市。He pedaled off on his bicycle.

你路过那个超市吗?。Do you go by that super-market?

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请试试百盛超市吧。Try Parkson Supermarket, please.

假设你在超市购物。Maybe you are at the supermarket.

超市就在校区里。The supermarket is on the campus.

可是我该如何把我的产品放入那些商场超市杂货铺呢?But getting the stuff into stores?

高街店与超市。High Street shops vs. supermarkets.

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哦,有个网上虚拟超市?Oh, an on-line virtual supermarket?

哦,有个网上虚拟超市?Oh, an on-line virtual supemp3arket?

你能跟我们讲讲切尔西超市吗?Can you tell us about Chelsea Market?

我开给城市超市的支票跳票了!My check to City Supermarket bounced!

他在超市里大喊大叫。He started yelling in the supermarket.

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我们坐公车去超市好吗?好的。Shall we go to the supermarket by bus?

整个超市行业有点西部片的感觉。The whole market has a Wild West feel.

超市里有一个布告。There was a notice in the supermarket.

像沃尔玛这样的大超市需要它。Big-box stores like Wal-Mart demand it.

他在路边的一个超市里买了啤酒。He stops at a roadside market for beer.

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我们走进三江超市。We walked into the Sanjiang Supermarket.

那你能带我去网上超市里看看吗?。Can yon show me around the E-supermarket?

王太太正在超市买工具。Mrs. Wang is shopping at the supermarket.