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这篇文章短小精悍。This article is short and pithy.

这是一篇短小精悍的文章,希望您能喜欢!This is a nice reading, but short. Enjoy!

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他给出的答案大多短小精悍,逻辑清晰。Basically he gave very short, concise answers.

中国诗歌短小精悍却意境幽远。The Chinese poems are short but the meaning is deep.

马歇尔个头不高,短小精悍,明亮的眼睛一闪一闪的。Marshall was small and wiry, with bright dancing eyes.

大多数文字说明短小精悍,仅有一到两行小型字体。Most captions are short, just one or two lines in small type.

所以,务必保持博客短小精悍、更新及时,还有更加激动人心。So that makes blog writing shorter and faster and more exciting.

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短小精悍,功能强大,不含任何插件,是您炒股的利器。Short, powerful, does not contain any plug-in is your weapon stocks.

这个星期挪威海关官员在去奥斯陆的火车上截获了一个短小精悍的的乘客。Pet alligator found travelling in train by startled customs officials

这证明了,这种短小精悍的生物,在水里待了很长的一段时间。This suggests the small, stocky Indohyus spent a lot of time in the water.

一些建立在我们服务的短小精悍和游泳的应用程序。Some nice little and useful applications have been built around our service.

最后,我想跟大家分享做最近读到的三篇短小精悍的美文。Finally, I will share three short snappy articles with you that I read recently.

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别看我身无长物,其实我短小精悍,哪像你们一样都鞭长莫及!Peter, Have you really gone? Don't frighten me. I couldn't be frightened so much.

她是用墨水在纸上写,但她那短小精悍的评论非常到位。She did it with ink on paper, but it was the short, snappy comment that said it all.

这款短小精悍的有点怪的烟斗烛台最适合家居!This Pipe Candlestick is a fine, dapper and slightly quirky accessory for your home!

整部小说短小精悍而寓意丰富,犹如一部现代寓言发人深省。The whole novel is short snappy and rich in meaning, thought-provoking like a modern fable.

这则信息引人注意,短小精悍,并且在每封免费邮件下面都被复制。The message is compelling, compressed, and copied at the bottom of every free e-mail message.

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王强宇先生胖乎乎,憨态可掬,人高马大,从身材上看,一点都不短小精悍哈!Mr. Wang is chubby, charmingly-looked and strong. Seen from the figure, he is really not'short'.

在2010年,这种风格会摆脱花哨的导航变得更加短小精悍。In 2010, this trend will move away from the quirky navigation and become more minimal in its approach.

我国新疆地区流传的阿凡提故事,形式短小精悍,内容风趣幽默。Afanti stories which spread in Xinjiang , China have short and pithy form , charming and witty content.