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烟气是火魔的杀手锏。Smoke is the killer of fire.

那么雅虎的杀手锏是什么呢?So what does Yahoo have in store?

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假如上演一幕外星人入侵的戏,那么,地球人可以把镜子作为杀手锏。Human beings may use mirrors as weapons in an alien-invading movie.

我们仍在努力寻找能够获得高收益的杀手锏应用程序。We’re still trying to find that killer app that gains higher adoption.

一把斧头,一把匕首,一句精选的评论。但是我的杀手锏是十字弓。An axe, a dagger, a choice remark. Though I'm deadliest with my crossbow.

这额外的能量使我们的“母舰”可以使出她的杀手锏!This additional energy will allow our Mothership to employ her final ability.

他凭着自己强硬的三分和终结比赛的抢断逐渐成为湖人在季后赛中的一大杀手锏。He's come up big in playoffs with three-point shooting and game-turning steals.

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这个论题是康托的杀手锏,他用它来证明某些无限集要比这个无限集大。The coup de grace is Cantor’s proof that some infinite sets are bigger than this.

“锏”通常指中国长剑但是杀手锏钝而重。“Jian” normally denotes a long Chinese sword but Sha Shou Jian are blunt and heavy.

这些令人印象深刻的作战技巧,使得他们成为了对付炮兵及散兵的杀手锏。These impressive collection of skills make them ideal for use against artillery and skirmishers.

自一月份苹果ipad开售以来,游戏一直被猜测是它的杀手锏。When Apple's iPad was introduced this January, gaming was supposed to be one of its big strengths.

最好的杀手锏仍然守卫森严,而且确定无疑不会销售——至少还没有销售。the best Assassin’s Maces are still secretly guarded and definitely aren’t for sale — at least not yet.

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对于单纯做硬件的厂家遇到微软这样转供软件的厂家联网就成了后者的杀手锏。This is a real killer and comes from them being a hardware company whilst Microsoft is a software company.

微软的杀手锏是开发桌面应用程序——在这个领域,他们是最好的公司。Microsoft's master skills are in building desktop applications -- they are the best company in that market.

从这点看,杀手锏是指使用廉价的手段对抗昂贵的武器的任何方式。In this view, an Assassin’s Mace is anything which provides a cheap means of countering an expensive weapon.

杀手锏是一个通俗的表达,广泛运用于体育评论员、生意人,甚至恋爱建议专栏中。Sha Shou Jian a popular expression used by sports commentators, businessmen and even in romantic advice columns.

当你从生活经验中积累了智慧之后,你的杀手锏就是展现你的自信。While you are accumulating the wisdom that comes with life experiences, your best shot is to project confidence.

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在较长一段时间,政策性破产被称为国企扭亏脱困的“杀手锏”。In a longer period of time, policy-bankrupt state-owned enterprises out of its losses, known as the "trump card."

世界是平的,网络是公开的,不要指望自己一直拥有别人没有的杀手锏,稍微做得好一点,全村都盯着你、模仿你。The world is flat, the network is open. Don’t count on you always having the Sunday punch that others don’t have.

但是他的杀手锏,是英国经济规模目前小于欧元区的落后国家——意大利。But his killer fact was that the British economy was now smaller than that of the laggard of the eurozone – Italy.