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那丫鬟小心翼翼地回道。That servant girl gingerly returns to way.

哪有这些丫鬟们张狂的余地。Which have these waiter girls rude leeway.

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“哦。”那小丫鬟这才慢吞吞跑起来。That small servant girl this is just slow to run.

这也是丫鬟们之间不成文的规矩。This is also of the servant girls unspoken rules.

丫鬟婆子们都跟着出了屋子。The domestic girl old woman sons all followed house.

小丫鬟端了热水进来。The small servant girl carried hot water to come in.

足够这些小丫鬟们学上一年半载的。Enough these small servant girls learn top in about a year.

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不过,二等丫鬟的人数是一定的。However, the number of second class servant girl is certain.

因此,各个丫鬟见了她都不敢怠慢。Therefore, each servant girl saw her don't defiance to neglect.

云姐自告奋勇,带丫鬟小月进去捡风筝。Cloud elder sister come forward with girl abortion in picking up the kite.

我们院子里的丫鬟听你的还是听巧珍的?We does the servant girl in the yard listen to your still listen to Qiao Jean?

云姐和丫鬟们放风筝,风筝挂在了赵耀宗丹房的树上。Cloud elder sister and the girl is flying a kite, the kite in the Zhao Yaozong Dan tree.

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可做了二等丫鬟之后,就有资格近身伺候主子。Can later doing second class servant girl, entitle to a near body to wait upon a lord son.

看她那走路的姿势,两个丫鬟在身后暗叫了一声惨了。The sees her that posture that walk, two servant girls at after death dark call a miserably.

可惜,小丫鬟们没有这么多的时间专门来学习。Unfortunately, small servant girls have not so and exclusively come to learn because several times.

梅姑走后,丫鬟送来了各大公子爷写给蓁蓁的信件,其中有一封是杨秀写的。When she left, so comes the big childe ye to contact letter, including a letter was written by Yang Xiu.

刚至院门前,只见王夫人的丫鬟名金钏儿者,和一个才留了头的小女孩儿站在台阶坡上玩。On the verandah steps there, Lady Wang's maid Jinchuan was playing with a girl who had just let her hair grow.

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多的是让人吃了哑巴亏不好诉苦的招数,丫鬟们谁不擅长这个。Making folk eat dummy Kui is numerous not tell painful migrate, the servant girls who be not good at long this.

而且陶妈妈身边的小丫鬟让她等,她就乖乖地等在那里?Does she wait over there for the darling ground and the nearby small servant girl of mother Tao keeps her waiting?

怎么可以顺其自然,要是不使出点手段来,还不被这一干丫鬟踩到脚底下去了。How to scamper its way, if don't use some means, also be not crushed sole of foot by this stem servant girl to go.