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不负烈士,不辱使命!Do not disappoint martyrs, fulfill our mission!

我们竭尽所能,力求不辱使命。We try to achieve what we can afford, and to achieve our mission.

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行业协会组织在控制总量中要不辱使命,尽职尽责,做好工作。Tungsten industry association must do their best in controlling the totals.

是你今晚给了我从未有过的自信,我会不辱使命。But, America, I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there.

在任何需要完成任务的地方,梅赛德斯·奔驰都将全力以赴、不辱使命。Wherever such tasks are being performed, Mercedes-Benz is committed to playing its part.

他们确实不辱使命,经常一起或有时单独到白宫来。They would more than fulfill their commitment, usually coming to the White House together, sometimes separately.

我愿同中美双方的同事们一起,努力工作,不负众望,不辱使命。I am ready to work with my Chinese and American colleagues to live up to that expectation and to our common mission.

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它是对我们一如既往、奋斗不止的鞭策,它是对我们携手前行、不辱使命的提醒。It reminds us of our common mission. It urges us to carry out the duty as usual and to continue our joint endeavors.

张骞历尽千辛万苦,不辱使命,探明了汉朝通往西方的道路,在此基础上开通了中西交通的商路——丝绸之路。He explored the way to the west and in this way opened the trade route between China and the west, i. e. the Silk Road.

我们政府应该是敞开大门请社会评议,不辱使命为社会理财。Our government should open the door for fulfilling social evaluation and conducting financial transactions for the society.

战争中学习战争。、只有不断深入学习才能不断前进,不辱使命。Learn to fight from the war. Only when we penetrate deeply into this area, can we make constant progress and accomplish our mission.

正因为世界经济依靠来自中国的推动力,我们希望它能不辱使命,强势运转。Given that the world has become dependent upon China to drive the global economy, we should all wish the government well in its task.

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经济形势要求我们果敢而迅速地行动,我们将不辱使命——不仅要创造新的就业机会,而且要打下新的增长基础。The state of the economy calls for action, bold and swift, and we will act -- not only to create new jobs, but to lay a new foundation for growth.

国科诚泰期待这批优秀的学员将来在工作岗位上不辱使命,为中国乃至全球奶业的发展做出努力做出贡献!Goke expectes all of the students have a good future and hopes them to make a contribution to the dairy industry in China, even all over the world.

本·哈伊母对于英格兰能在不辱使命地战胜小组头名克罗地亚晋级也很有信心。Ben Haim is also confident that England will not fluff their opportunity to qualify by picking up the required result against group leaders Croatia.

参加联展的漳州艺术家作品所体现的,正是这种倔强的不辱使命的文化守望。The works from Zhangzhou Artists in this exhibition are expressing exactly such kind of cultural expectation with solid dream of fulfilling their responsibilities.

尽管乔温科不辱使命,拉涅利赛后还是很吝啬赞美,“乔温科这个赛季做得不错,但我们不能一步登天。Qiao Wen Branch, despite the mission, after Claudio Ranieri is still very stingy praise, "Joe Wen Branch has done a good job this season, but we can not be sweeping."

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直至今日,卫杰人励精图治,不辱使命,以严谨的工作作风,务实创新的进取精神,跻身于国内汽车零部件制造企业的先进行列。As of today, Wei Jie people prosper and fulfill our mission to rigorous work style, pragmatic and innovative spirit, among the domestic auto parts manufacturers in the advanced ranks.

联合国世界财富联盟财团在中国的诞生,一定会不辱使命完成联合国总部交给的重要任务,也相信能得到世界各国爱好和平的各界人士支持的!Borne in China, UN World Fortune Union Financial Group Ltd. must not dishonour the important task handed by UN, and will deemed to get support from peace-lover from each country in the world.