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挥汗如雨过夏天,这也是需要一点精神力量的。That's the spirit of this summer of sweat.

固然我什么都没做,但仍是挥汗如雨。I am sweating like a pig, and I'm not doing anything.

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我感觉还不错,只是炎热似乎使我挥汗如雨,全身都粘糊糊的。I felt pretty good but the sweat seemed to be pouring off me from the heat.

有氧区丰富的运动项目总能让您找到挥汗如雨忘掉自我的感觉。Aerobic exercise area rich project allows you to find a forgotten sense of self.

你有没有看到她今天比赛的后半段挥汗如雨的情景?Q. You play Sharapova in the next round. Do you look at that as a revenge match?

我曾在远在长江上游、经济飞速增长的巨型城市重庆挥汗如雨。I've sweltered in Chongqing, the exponentially growing ega-city far up the Yangtze.

我曾在远在长江上游、经济飞速增长的巨型城市重庆挥汗如雨。I’ve sweltered in Chongqing, the exponentially growing ega-city far up the Yangtze.

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阳光下,我将继续挥汗如雨,尽心尽力地走自己的拼搏之路。The sun, I will continue to the best of their ability to follow our own path of struggle.

非但没水喝,相反,他被惩罚以失眠的夜晚和挥汗如雨与摇摆不定的白昼。Instead he drank water, and was condemned to sleepless nights and days of sweats and shakes.

放下书包,尽情的奔跑在绿茵场上,挥汗如雨,和球友们开开心心的进行一场对战。Put down the bag and run on the pitch, sweating, and the ball for a game with friends a happy.

父母为了教育我,6岁起,我就和父母一起下地,自己不干活,就看父母在地里挥汗如雨,一天又一天,一年又一年。In order to teach me the harshness of farm work, I was led to the farm by my parents since I was 6 years old.

看着他们费力的将巨大的机械搬上斜坡时挥汗如雨不停咒骂让侏儒笑出来。It made the dwarf smile to see them sweating and cursing as they wrestled the heavy machines onto the inclines.

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但是父母大太阳地下那种挥汗如雨的镜头,我始终忘不掉。However, I still cannot forget the scene in which my parents were sweating in the scorching sun in the farmlands.

例如,到健身房挥汗如雨,或者联系疏远已久的朋友,彼此说一些鼓励的话。For example, to the gym to sweat, or contact the long distance friends, say a few words of encouragement to each other.

他们共用真菌药物,同进能量食品,一天24小时,闷热难当,志愿者们挥汗如雨,有时还要和寄生虫战斗。They share fungal medication and Clif Bars, sweating through a climate that feels like a 24-hour sauna. Some battle parasites.

丹尼尔·帕切科相信,自己在健身房里的挥汗如雨终能赢得主教练的青睐,并获得代表更多一线队出场的机会。Daniel Pacheco is hoping extra work in the gym will help him realise his ultimate goal of becoming a first-team regular at Anfield.

似乎紧跟着将要有查尔斯顿和新奥尔良,马德拉斯,孟买和加尔各答的挥汗如雨的居民,在我的井中饮水。Thus it appears that the sweltering inhabitants of Charleston and New Orleans, of Madras and Bombay and Calcutta, drink at my well.

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后来,就在八月份一个挥汗如雨的夜晚,就在迫击炮声停下来的空隙,那个犹太牧师提出要在下一个周末去巴比伦,想请一名志愿者驾车送他去直升机场。Then, one steaming August night between mortar attacks, the chaplain asked for a volunteer to drive him to the helicopter pad the following weekend.

随着技术进步日益用机器取代工人,数千名工人们在仓库中挥汗如雨已是很久以前的事情了。The days of thousands of factory workers toiling away in warehouses are long gone, as technological advances have increasingly replaced humans with machines.

不管是滴水成冰的天气,还是挥汗如雨的日子,它照样忠于职守,准确地表达时间。Whether The dripping dripping water freezes weather, orPerspiration came down like raindrops. days, it still be loyal to their duties, accurate expression of time.