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抗菌素和其它药物如何?What about antibiotics and other drugs?

抗菌素引起菌丛的选择性变化。Antibiotics produce a selective change in flora.

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急需一些适合口服使用的新型抗菌素。New antibiotics suitable for oral use are badly needed.

这种新的传染病对抗菌素有抗药力。This new type of infection is resistant to antibiotics.

抗菌素和高温消毒可以永来防止感染。Antibiotic and pasteurize can be used against infection.

抗菌素耐药性将现代医学的成就置于危险境地。The achievements of modern medicine are put at risk by AMR.

这种做法加剧了日益严峻的抗菌素耐药性问题。Which adds to the growing problem of antibiotic resistance.

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抗菌素是地球上最常见的生物体。Bacteriophages are the most abundant organisms on the planet.

必须用中性消毒药和抗菌素治疗。Mild antiseptics and antibiotics should be used in treatment.

抗菌素耐药性会威胁到卫生安全并破坏贸易和经济AMR threatens health security, and damages trade and economies

弥漫性蜂窝织炎的抗菌素治疗应是强有力的。Antibiotic therapy for diffuse cellulitis should be aggressive.

目的合成新一代氟喹诺酮类抗菌素-巴洛沙星。Aim To synthesize the forth generation fluoroquinolone balofloxacin.

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多马克的研究工作促进了硫胺类抗菌素药物的发展。Domagk's work led to the development of the antibacterial sulfa drugs.

它不受任何抗菌素或普通制菌剂的影响。It is not affected by any antibiotics or common bacteriostatic agents.

而且茶树油是天然的抗菌素,并能给你的肌肤补水。Tea tree oil is a great antibacterial and also helps rehydrate your skin.

这些方法包括服用抗菌素和采用支持性疗法。These methods include the administration of antibiotics and supportive therapy.

出现眼耳部感染以及肺炎时,应使用抗菌素治疗。Antibiotics should be prescribed to treat eye and ear infections, and pneumonia.

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目前对该病的控制主要采取抗菌素防治和疫苗预防。Currently on the main take antibiotics cure and vaccine-preventable disease control.

任何叠加的细菌性感染应用适当的抗菌素进行治疗。Any superimposed bacterial infection should be treated with an appropriate antibiotic.

大环内酯类抗菌素和肾上腺皮质激素疗效效果。Therapeutic effects of macrolides antibiotic and adrenal cortex hormone are effective.