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另一个物理变化也会发生。Another physical change would happen.

当冰淇凌融化了,一个物理变化也发生了。When ice cream melts, a physical change happens.

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他们已经搞清楚这个物理变化的成因。They have cleared up the cause of the physical change.

讨论死后会发生的物理变化,例如,人永远停止呼吸,不再感受到痛苦,等等。Talk about the physical changes that occur after death.

物理老师问我们那是否是物理变化。The physics teacher asked if that was a physical change.

凡是没有产生新物质生成的变化都是物理变化。Any change in which no new substance is formed is a physical change.

拉浆铅膏的和膏过程其主体反应是一个物理变化过程。The principal reaction of slurry paste-mixing is a physical process.

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起了任何性质的物理变化之后,迁入也要受到防碍。After physical changes of any kind, immigration will have been prevented.

材料由于化学处理或物理变化丧失了柔韧性。A material's loss of malleability due to chemical treatment or physical change.

他列出了他所目睹的一些物理变化及其对当地群落的影响。He lists some of the physical changes he has seen and their effects on local communities.

如上所述,物质总是在进行着物理变化和化学变化。As is mentioned above , substances are constantly undergoing physical and chemical changes.

埋藏和温度增高导致的物理变化和化学变化称为煤化作用。Burial and increase in temperature bring about physical and chemical changes called coalification.

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那些物理变化需要更多的能量,所以食物热加工可能是这些变化的助推器。Those physical changes required more energy, and exposing food to fire may have provided that boost.

然则,她的行动也不会过分,因为我们在救济她减小这些物理变化的影响。However, her actions will be not be excessive, and we are helping to minimize the effects of physical changes.

霍华德•休斯医学研究所的研究人员现已经得知,这种配对导致了激酶结构域形状上的物理变化。HHMI researchers have now learned that this pairing causes a physical change in the shape of the kinase domain.

这些转变也将利益你们,因为它们在因为更富戏剧性的物理变化而软化这些需要。These changes will also benefit you inasmuch that they are softening the need for more dramatic physical changes.

在测试时流过接点的电流过大也能使接触区域发生细微的物理变化。Excessive current through the contacts during testing can cause a physical change in the contact area on a microscopic level.

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侵蚀,风化,风蚀受日晒雨淋的岩石发生特征的变化甚至崩溃的过程中的任何一化学或物理变化。Any of the chemical or mechanical processes by which rocks exposed to the weather undergo changes in character and break down.

由于人无法跟这样的环境能量交互因此人没有时间和物理变化上的觉察。There is no awareness of time or physical change because man is not interacting with the frequency of what is happening on Earth.

介绍了地形的动力效应和热力效应,详细分析了地形的动力、热力效应引起的降水和云物理变化。The orographic dynamical and thermodynamical effects and their influences on precipitation and cloud physics are analyzed in detail.