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双数量词构式对进入其内的概念实体有约束和压制作用。The construction imposes constraint or coercion on entities that enter it.

这类句子例示或详述的是双数量词构式。The sentences in the construction are its instantiations and elaborations.

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汉语叠字可用来翻译英语中的部分形容词、副词、数量词、动词及象声词。This thesis expounds the usage of reiterative locution in English-Chinese translating.

它可以放在动词、形容词、少数名词、数量词之后,表示事件即将发生。It clings to verbs, adjectives, some numerals and counts to express that things will happen.

本文从作定语的数量词入手,统称这类数量词为数量定语。Both English and Chinese express the concept of quantity by means of numeral classifier phrases.

“唧”是湘乡方言中使用很广泛的词尾之一,主要附在名词、形容词、数量词、动词、代词后。Ji is one of widely used suffix. It is often behind of noun, adjective, quantifier, verb and pronoun.

下图说明对两个不同来源序列执行的两个不同数量词作业。The following illustration depicts two different quantifier operations on two different source sequences.

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再,副词,常用在动词或数量词之前,表示“又”的意思,如再见、再次。"Again" an adverb is frequently used before a verb or a quantifier and it refers to "once more", such as goodbye and once again.

绍兴方言中的词缀“生”主要用在数量词之后,表示对事物的描述或强调。The affix-sheng is basically used after numerals in Shaoxing dialect, which indicates the depiction of or emphasis on the relevant topic.

人们在理解数量词的过程中会潜意识考虑其指称集合及其指称补集,然后推理其所指的对象。When quantifiers are comprehended, their reference set and complement set are subconsciously considered, and then their reference is inferred.

数字缩略语中的数量词突破了现代汉语语法规则的规范,可以直接修饰名词、动词、形容词、副词、数词、虚词和词缀等。Quantifier in numeral abbreviation breaks the restriction of grammar rules, and modifies noun, verb, adjective, adverb, numeral, empty word and affix.

在对名词、名词短语及数量词结构短语语义分析的基础上,用基于知识的方法建立了名词、动态名词、名词短语和数量词结构的模板。By detailed analysis of the intension and the extension of concepts, noun, dynamic noun , noun phrase and classes templates established on method based on knowledge.

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这些数量词被非常含糊“国家紧急状况“可能令人相信”国家权利机构的干涉的类型情形”替换。" These quantifiers are replaced by an extremely vague "national emergency type situation" that "might conceivably" interfere with the workings of the national power structure.

单调递增数量词的取值极点是这句话的指称全集,对单调递减数量词的理解涉及它的指称补集。The ultimate reference pole of monotone increasing quantifiers is the whole reference set of the sentence. Comprehension of monotone decreasing quantifiers involves its complement set.

再次,在以上工作的基础上,编写出对名词短语和数量词结构短语进行语义分析的程序,可以实现对领域内名词短语和数量词结构短语的理解。Forth, Semantic analysis program is written to understand sentence on the basis of the work done, which can understand noun phrase and quantifier structure phrase in corresponding fields.