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于是就下凡到这里。So they came down here.

太好了,玉帝。那我现在可以下凡去了?Great, dad. So can I go down now?

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基督带着派素清洁剂下凡来了。Christ came down with some Pine-Sol.

从而月之民下凡到了地上生活。And so, the people of the moon came down to live.

王母娘娘的外孙女下凡到人间。The granddaughter of the Goddess of Heaven visited the earth.

就好像某神灵下凡,一夜之间带来了这些变化。As if some deus ex machina had wrought these changes overnight.

于是龙女便下凡投胎在湄洲林家。So she got into the cycle of reincarnation to Lin's family Meizhou.

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白雪见状,立即大声惊呼这孩子是神仙下凡。Snow White looked at, is nian saw immediately loudly exclaimed the child.

一个黑色物体在门和我之间移动,什么玩意?妖怪吗?不知是魔鬼现世还是仙人下凡。A dark object moved between the door and me, what? Eidolon ? Devil or fairy.

附近有个老虎洞,天庭下凡的黑虎为非作歹,残害百姓。In a cave nearby lived an evil Black Tiger, who escaped from the forbidden kingdom.

她的儿子是文曲星下凡,她的后生有菩萨相伴,她最终飞天。Her son is born star, her epigenetic Bodhisattva is accompanied, she eventually flying.

天使不会下凡,然而我身边却始终有一位守护天使。An angel didn't come down from heaven. I have one beside me all the time — a guardian angel.

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你感觉上帝让天使为你下凡,她能将你从地狱的深渊中拯救出来。Feelin' like God put an angel on Earth just for you, who could rescue you from the depths of hell.

感触就像是上帝让天神为你下凡,他能从地狱里救出你。Feeling like God put an angel on Earth just for you, who could rescue you from the depths of hell.

这件事感动了上帝,他就派了两个神仙下凡,把两座山背走了。God was moved by this, and he sent down two angles, who carried the mountains away on their backs.

只因冒犯了嫦娥,被玉帝贬下凡尘,错投了猪胎,长成这般模样。Only because I made a big mistake, I was punished by Yudi. So I became a pig. That's why I am so ugly.

这件事感动了上帝,他就派了两个神仙下凡,把两座山背走了。God was touched by his deeds, and he sent two immortals to the earthly world to carry the mountains away.

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原来老人是神仙下凡,他带走了年兽。The Nian saw the wisdom in this, and the old man, who was actually a god in disguise, took the beast away.

因为它外表斑斓,体态神形,目光如电,吼声如雷,俨然一尊天神下凡。With colorful fur, beautiful shape, sharp eyes and thundering roars, tiger greatly resembles a god on earth.

在他和曼联共同战斗的五个赛季中,他赢得了所有曼联球迷的追捧,他们视坎通纳若天神下凡,国王为曼联出场185次打入82个进球。In his five-year stint, he won the hearts and minds of every United fan, played 185 times and scored 82 goals.