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年产清原马鹿茸干品8吨。Annual production of dry deer velvet is 8 tons.

在棚子里我看到一些鹿茸摆在一个架子上晾着。In the shed I saw antlers set out on a stand to air.

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榆社鹿茸已经有20多年的历史。Yushe Pilose already has more than 20 years of history.

跨过了千山万岭,驮走鹿茸麝香,换来盐巴茶叶。Crossing the mountains, trading tea and salt with antlers and musks.

柔嫩的鹿茸会死去和脱落直到像碎布一样挂在角上。The tender velvet dies and is scraped away until it hangs in tatters.

梅花鹿所产的鹿茸是鹿茸中的最上品。Sika deer is a deer antler velvet produced by the most in the top grade.

但是,鹿有骨质的鹿茸,每年脱落并长出新鹿茸。But deer have antlers made of bone that are shed and replaced every year.

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根据现代医学的研究表明鹿茸具有促性腺作用。According to modern research, velvet antler has shown gonadotropic activity.

目的探索鹿茸多肽治疗骨性关节炎有效作用机制。Objective To study effective function mechanism of Pilose antler peptide on OA.

结论本试验表明马鹿茸有性激素样作用。ConclusionThe test proved that wapiti velvet antler possesses gonadotripic effect.

从第一只准备放养的鹿身上切取的鹿茸片又是一个希望的象征。An antler shed by one of the first to be released is another of my symbols of hope.

建立梅花鹿鹿茸软骨细胞的分离培养方法,培养鹿茸软骨细胞。The methods of isolation and culture sika deer antler chondrocytes were established.

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目的研究鹿茸胶囊的调脂作用。Objective To investigate the decreasing blood lipids effect of pilose antler capsule.

目的建立中药材鹿茸的分子分类学鉴定试剂盒。OBJECTIVE To make the kit to identify Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum with molecular taxonomy.

加入中药鹿茸生长素各组均有促进软骨细胞有丝分裂作用。The group after added in pilose antler growth factor can improve cellular karyokinesis.

测定结果表明,鹿茸从脱盘到停止生长约为120天。The results showed that the period from antler shedding to stoping growth was about 120 days.

黄金酒加入了包括鹿茸和龟甲在内的六味中药。The liquor contains six traditional Chinese remedies, including deer antler and tortoise shell.

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该试验为马鹿茸的分段利用提供了内在质量上的依据。This test offered an internal quality index in subsection utilization of cervus elaphus linnaeus.

鹿全身是宝,鹿茸、鹿血、鹿胎、鹿鞭、鹿角骨是传统的中药材,药用保健价值高。The whole body of deer is valuable, in which the deer placenta is regarded as the best food tonic.

早期的研究专注在制造上,随后转入纽西兰鹿茸的成份分析。Early research focused on production, then moved into compositional analyses of New Zealand velvet.