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常识是瞎扯。Common sense is baloney.

不,那是瞎扯!No, man, that's bullshit.

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这完全是瞎扯淡。This is complete bullshit.

别在那儿瞎扯啦,跟我走吧。Don't haver there, go with me.

瞎扯,战士,这不可接受。Bullshit! This is unacceptable, soldier.

如果你不知道答案,就瞎扯一下。If you don't know the answer, just fudge it.

她的室友们一整个晚上都在瞎扯。Her roommates spent the whole night in beating their gums.

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呃,你说得对,瞧我,脑子秀逗了一下,算了别管我适才瞎扯的那些。You're right. What was I thinking? Forget everything I said.

现在我不想做你的朋友,但我刚才在瞎扯蛋吗?Now, I don't wanna be your mate, but am I talking bollocks here?

拜托,根本是瞎扯——她只有17岁,而且还穿着内衣和短裤!Come on! That's wrong – she's 17 and she's wearing a bra and pants!

其实说白了就是瞎扯,我可没什么古典气质。Let's just tell the world that this is BS, and I'm not an old soul.

这听起来像是瞎扯,可在政治和政治家的世界里,我的确有一种找到家的感觉。It sounds crazy, but I felt right at home in the world of politics and politicians.

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按鲍尔斯的说法,威廉姆斯根本不与阿蒙德及阿蒙德的参谋长“瞎扯蛋”。According to Bowser, Williams "took no guff " from Almond or Almond's chief of staff.

对于一个哲学家,这些被称为新闻的,不过是瞎扯,编辑和读者就只不过是在喝茶的长舌妇。To a philosopher all news, as it is called, is gossip, and they who edit and read it are old women over their tea.

当你把体操,跳水,跳床和柔道中的那些裁判决定的瞎扯的项目去掉之后,美国才是那个决定性的强者。When you factor out all the judging nonsense in gymnastics, diving, trampoline and judo, Team USA is the decisive leader.

当英国人说鯥“非常有意思啊”时,他们的意思是“那明显是瞎扯淡”,而其他人却理解成了“那真是让人印象深刻”。When the British say "Very interesting. " They mean "That is clearly nonsense. " But what others understand is "They are impressed. "

但通常这样的书都是瞎扯的,因为在过去2000年来,圣经是,这个世界上被瞎扯得最多的书,比其他任何书都要多。Chances are it's bullshit because there's been more shit written about the Bible than any other topic in the world for the last 2000 years.

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社团是以ACG相关为兴趣而存在的集合交友、游戏、瞎扯、汉化等为一体的以互联网为平台的群体。This Social Group is for people with interest in ACG, using the Internet as a platform for new friends, gaming, random conversation, translation.

常识是瞎扯。你真正需要的是不寻常,不寻常的经历,思想或者与不寻常人士的交流,常常会有不寻常的收获。Common sense is baloney. What you really need is uncommon sense, often the product of uncommon experiences, ideas, or interacting with uncommon intellect.