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不要再挖你的鼻孔了。很恶心。Don't pick your nose. It's gross.

他鼻孔里长出毛来。Hairs sprouted out from his nostrils.

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皱皱鼻子,张开鼻孔。Sniffle. Wrinkle nose. Flare nostrils.

开始交替鼻孔呼吸。Start with alternate nostril breathing.

胡椒进入鼻孔会使人发痒。Pepper tickles if it gets into the nose.

腕龙的鼻孔长在头顶上。Its nostrils were on the top of its head.

她所有的朋友都鼻孔朝天。But all of her friends stuck up their nose.

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她说着从鼻孔里喷出烟来。She said, and blew smoke from her nostrils.

她从我们身边走过,神气得鼻孔朝天。She walked past us with her nose in the air.

有时我鼻孔朝天。看到了吧。Sometimes I pick my nose. There you have it.

尝试舒缓的鼻孔交替呼吸法。And try soothing alternate-nostril breathing.

鼻衄就是鼻孔流血的结果。A nosebleed is an issue of blood from the nose.

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谈到呼吸,她的鼻孔现在打开了。Speaking of breathing her nostrils are now open.

她从咱们身旁走过,神气得鼻孔朝天。She walks past us dawn her nose in the waterdrop.

谈到呼吸,她的鼻孔现在打开了。Speaking of breathing, her nostrils are now open.

鼻镜宽阔,鼻孔张开,颜色为黑色。Nose broad, with open nostrils and black in color.

保持驱虫远离眼睛,鼻孔,嘴唇。Keep repellents away from eyes, nostrils, and lips.

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你感觉到气流从鼻孔出入吗?Do you feel the airflow going through your nostrils?

左鼻孔代表女性化、温吞、平静和镇定。Left nostril is feminine, nurturing, calm and cooling.

鼻子尖上的鼻孔用来呼吸。Nostrils at the end of the trunk are used in breathing.