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目标击毙。我想我看到他人都被打飞了起来。I think i saw his arm fly off.

李竹同志当场击毙死亡。Comrade Li Zhu shot dead on the spot.

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奥萨马本拉登被击毙而非被捕。Osama bin Laden was killed, not captured.

但同时,守卫们也击毙了90名偷猎者,并逮捕了663人。guards killed 90 poachers and arrested 663.

攀吊着绳索的情况下共击毙25个敌人。Kill 25 enemies while suspended from a rope.

他们在企图偷越国境时被击毙。They were shot trying to cross the frontier.

他因拒捕而被当场击毙。He was shot on the spot for resisting arrest.

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之后又传来了杰罗尼莫被击毙的消息。Word then came that Geronimo had been killed.

许多敲钟人被闪电击毙。Lots of bell ringers were killed by lightning.

许多敲钟小学闪电击毙。Lots of bell ringers were killed by lightning.

烟土贩子却被神秘人击毙。But the mysterious people killed Yantu traffickers.

一男子绑架一5岁女孩,劝说无效后被警察击毙。Man shot dead after kidnapping 5-year-old in Beijing.

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双方发生交火,一名哄抢者被击毙。One looter was killed when the 2 sides exchanged fire.

内蒙劫狱事件,一名逃犯被击毙,另外三人被捕。Police kill one escaped prisoner, capture three others.

警察在他引爆身上的炸药前开枪将他击毙。Police killed him before he could detonate his explosives.

琼斯上尉举起枪开了火,又一个印军被击毙了。Jones raised his gun and bang, another Indian bit the dust.

士兵在打完子弹之后用石头把敌人击毙。The soldier lapidated his enemy after using out his bullets.

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警察在飞机场击毙了三名恐怖分子。The policemen accounted for three terrorists at the airport.

墨西哥皇帝麦克西米连被胡亚雷斯的军队击毙。Emperor Maximiliam of Mexico was shot by the troops of Juarez.

在一个城市,当地的警方已经下令可以当场击毙行凶者。In one city police have orders to shoot perpetrators on sight.