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没有欺骗。No deception.

你有可能被欺骗么?Can you get scammed?

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没秂能欺骗我!No one can cheat me!

奥普拉,你欺骗了我们!Oprah, you lied to us!

因此,我们能够欺骗死亡吗?So can we cheat death?

但是,我们能够欺骗死亡吗?But can we cheat death?

她是在欺骗吗?Is she deluding herself?

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魔鬼就是欺骗者。The devil is a deceiver.

我不能容忍欺骗!I can't abide dishonesty!

美是无言的欺骗。Beaty is a mute deception.

你能容忍受欺骗吗?Do you hack to be cheated?

于是我佯攻,试图欺骗它。I feinted, to deceive him.

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不过是自我欺骗罢了。They are deluding themselves.

我厌恶那些欺骗我的。I detest those who deceive me.

蒙骗,欺骗,诈取。To defraud, cheat, or swindle.

你不能那么轻易地欺骗我。You can’t fool me that easily.

他受到骗子们的欺骗。He was victimized by swindlers.

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不要尝试欺骗。There is no attempt to deceive.

鸿沟的这场雪盲欺骗。Chasm of this snow-blind deceit.

他不致于做出卑劣和欺骗的事情来。He is above meanness and deceit.