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德国人民支持反民主党派呼声日渐高涨。The Germans increasingly supported anti-democratic parties.

民主监督是民主党派的一项基本职能。Democratic supervision is one of the basic roles of the democratic parties.

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此后,亲民主党派破裂,影响力式微。Since then, the pro-democracy parties have fractured and their influence has waned.

然而,正是在这段时间,极右翼瑞典民主党派在议会中取得突破。Yet this was the period during which the far-right Swedish Democrats broke through.

这些民主党派的成员主要是教育界、文化界和科技界的知识分子。Their membership mainly consists of intellectuals in education, culture and science.

一个来自于俄亥俄州民主党派议员发现这个让人担心的趋势。Dennis Kucinich, a Democratic Party congressman from the state of Ohio, finds the trend troubling.

然后,必须进行包括政府、民主党派以及各少数民族组织在内的三方对话。Then, tripartite dialogue between the government, pro-democracy groups and ethnic groups must be held.

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中央统战部开始召开各民主党派负责人、无党派民主人士座谈会。May 8, 1957, department at the start of all democratic parties principals, independent Democrats forum.

坚持各自的主要界别是八个民主党派共同存在的政治基础。Keeping respective distinctions of eight democratic parties is the political basis for their coexistence.

向各民主党派、各人民团体、各界爱国人士致敬!Pay tribute to the democratic parties, people's organizations, patriotic personages of all walks of life!

对于奥巴马总统和民主党派法律制定人的挑战是不要纠缠于这个扭曲的思维倾向。The challenge for President Obama and Democratic lawmakers is not to get drawn into that warped mind-set.

美国对民主党派的背信弃义,是民盟解散的一大原因。America's betrayal of the democratic parties was the main reason for the disbandment of Democratic League.

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民主党派建党目标经历了从一般的政治、思想、组织建设上升到参政党建设目标的转变。The constructive aim of the Democratic Parties has a leap from the normal parties to the participating parties.

它包括中国的民主党派,退休教师协会以及一些民间的组织。They are the democratic parties of China, retired teachers' associations and some non-government organizations.

枪杀阿肯色州民主党派领导人比尔·关特威的人持有两套从关特威车库拿的钥匙。The man who fatally shot the Arkansas Democratic Party chairman had two sets of keys from Bill Gwatney's car lots.

民主党派人士刘慧卿形容唐英年是在“坐等黄袍加身”。"Waiting for the emperor's yellow robe, " is how Emily Lau, a Democratic Party politician, describes his approach.

许多民主党派人士担任了国家权力机关、行政机关、司法机关的领导职务。Many members of the democratic parties hold leading posts in state organs, administrative and judicial departments.

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契合俄亥俄摇摆州的形象,拉尔菲酒吧的顾客也一半一半的分成民主党派和共和党派。As befits Ohio's status as a swing state, Ralphie's clientele seemed evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans.

从而,这个靠攻击“量入为出”的民主党派而博得政治声誉的男人创造了“支出和借用”共和主义。So, a man who made his political reputation by attacking “spend and tax” Democrats invented “spend and borrow” Republicanism.

这一模式具有灵活、机动的特点,但也存在民主党派参政议政、对执政党监督缺乏法定机制和程序等不足。This model has flexible, mobile features, and some inadequates. Therefore, China needs a law about "multi-party cooperation".