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您为什么需要助学金?Why do you need the Bursary?

你就能得到一笔不用偿还的助学金。you get a grant that you don't have to repay.

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但是我得到了很多奖学金和助学金,But I get a lot of scholarships and financial aid

你是否还获得了其它的助学金或奖学金?Do you have any other scholarships or assistantships?

这可能是某个地方,助学金或奖学金。This might be for a place, a bursary or a scholarship.

你的助学金是做什么的?What kind of works you will do for this assistantship?

HHMI助学金和特殊计划副总裁,解释说。Bruns, HHMI vice president of grants and special programs.

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申请者不应是其他助学金计划的领受者。Applicants should not be receiving any other bursary schemes.

但是你能得到很多助学金,你也能得到奖学金。but you get a lot of financial aid, you get scholarships, so.

2007年12月8日,在吉首大学颁授了第一批助学金。December 8, 2007, in Jishou University awarded the first grants.

本年度,房协向十三间院校提供了五十六个奖助学金。This year 56 awards were granted to students from 13 institutions.

非常感谢淄矿集团,在我最需要帮助的时候送来了助学金。Thank Zi Mine Group, in the most need of help when I sent the grant.

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一揽子资助计划通常以助学金、贷款和兼职相结合的形式提供。Aid packages usually come in some combination of grants, loans and jobs.

并且,随着学费不断增加,奖助学金之间的界限也变得模糊了。And, as tuitions continue to increase, the line between merit and need blurs.

这些在线大学同样提供助学金和公认的学历。These universities online offer financial aid and accredited degrees as well.

在现有的助学金政策下,此家庭需支付一万九千多。Under existing student aid policies the amount is more than nineteen thousand.

他从加利福尼亚州政府获得一笔助学金,付了大部分学费。He receives a grant from the State of California that pays most of his tuition.

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要考虑学校是否提供奖学金和助学金。Consider colleges that offer merit-based scholarships as well as need-based aid.

考入辽宁大学的王佳拿到助学金,心里的石头终于落地。Admitted Liaoning University, Jia Wang get grants, finally landing a stone heart.

奖学金的前身是始于建国初期的止于80年代中后期的人民助学金。The predecessor of fellowship is the student grant, which was suspended in 1980s.