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坏事减少并不等于好事增多。Eing less bad is not bEIng good.

羊驼的填充玩具在增多。Stuffed alpacas are multiplying.

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学生人数增多。The number of students increased.

地平线上云逐渐增多。Clouds are building on the horizon.

乔治成功的机会增多了。George's chances of success multiplied.

当你长大时,你被打屁股的次数也会增多。As you grow older , you get more spanks.

塑料纱管日益增多。Plastic bobbins and tubes are increasing.

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来大连旅游的人日益增多。More and more people come to visit Dalian.

原发性醛固酮增多症是最常见的形式。Primary aldosteronism is the most common form.

所以,像脚趾甲向内生长这种问题就会增多。Thus the problems like ingrown toenail arises.

随着进口增多,卢布压力与日俱增。As imports grow, so does pressure on the rouble.

混合培养的结果是总细胞数增多。The total cell number of co-culture was increased.

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论坛高手增多,多人介绍买卖股票。Experts reappears on forum, they introduces stocks.

超市里的小偷小摸现象日见增多。Petty pilfering is on the increase in super market.

对于日益增多的收益,店老板乐开了花。The shopkeeper feels happy at the increasing income.

实验表明多型核白细胞增多。Laboratory tests show polymorphonuclear leukocytosis.

单倍体圆形精子细胞增多。The number of round haploid spermatids was increased.

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现在,香河肉饼的种类逐渐增多。Now, the type of meat pie Xianghe gradually increased.

由于申请这个基金的企业在增多,所以也许也许还需要更多的资金。It may even need more as the list of supplicants grows.

特发性醛固酮增多症手术是否必要?。Is operation necessary in idiopathic hyperaldosteronism?