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可怜!迷惘的一代!Pity the Lost Generation.

一只红色小猫迷惘地躺在白杨树下。One red mitten lying lost under a poplar tree.

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是你,将我从深深的混沌与迷惘中唤醒。You wake me up, from profound coma and aimlessness.

在监狱小教堂里,Lincoln迷惘地望着牧师。In the prison chapel, Lincoln gazes up at the chaplain.

国恩替入睡的敏妃把脉,知道敏妃有重病在身,非常心痛和迷惘。Guo En takes Minfei's pulse and realized she is very sick.

在大学最后的几天中,我们陷入了深深的迷惘。We went through those last few college days in a numb fog.

网络让许多人感到困扰和迷惘。The Web has officially bugged and bedeviled a lot of people.

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日本年轻人对此特别漠然和迷惘。Young Japanese, in particular, feel apathy and bewilderment.

只学习,不玩耍会造成孩子的迷惘。All work and no play could make for some very messed-up kids.

下星期就考托福了,我却突然觉得迷惘起来。Only a week before the TOEFL, I feel perplex all of a moment.

陷入迷惘的霈霈,翻过墙可以找得到路吗?Will Pei-pei be able to find the way after crossing the wall?

淡然一点往往会是清风明月,太过执着,则就是迷惘。Indifferent point tends to be at leisure, too hard, it is lost.

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一个人,孤单地捧着残缺的心,游走在迷惘的边缘。A lonely man, holding the incomplete heart, wander in lost edge.

听欧美歌曲,我更多地是为了抒发对世界的迷惘和反抗。Cause love is just another world for trust so hear me when I say.

就是这种迷惘趋向使「反伊底普斯」一书受到欢迎。It is the existence of this trend that made Anti-Oedipus possible.

酗酒对迷惘一代的意义是多重的。The significance of alcoholism for the lost generation is multifold.

但是莎莫在汤姆的记忆中只是一段段的快乐和迷惘。But Tom remembers his love, Summer, as a series of joys and bafflements.

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我的心开始下雪,雪无声的覆盖了所有,湮灭了迷惘、。My heart began to snow, snow covering silently all, annihilating the lost.

实际上在这段时间,海明威在苦苦挣扎,想要摆脱传统价值观失落后迷惘的阴云。During this period, Hemingway struggled to get rid of the earlier lostness.

詹米和艾德蒙这时精神上是孤儿的难兄难弟,是迷惘的一代,也是垮掉的一代。Jamie and Edmund who are orphans in spirit, are sons of the lost generation.