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杰克劝阻我出访以色列。Jack dehorts me from visiting Israel.

我是在一次远途出访的结尾对你们发表演讲。I'm speaking to you at the end of a long trip.

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如果他出访肯尼亚的话,可能会引起一场内战。If he went to Kenya, he might cause a civil war.

这就是我要在本次出访中开始做的工作。That is the work that I will begin on this trip.

与此同时,老布什总统正在马不停蹄地出访。Meanwhile, President Bush was going out in full stride.

和国务卿出访往往如沐春风。Traveling with the secretary of state is often a breeze.

请问您出访荷兰的主要目的是什么?What is your main objective of visiting the Netherland ?

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她的出访发生在政治混乱几周之后。Her visit comes after several weeks of political turmoil.

贪睡、好吃成就了它出访人间的重任。Snooze, delicious success of its visit to the world of tomorrow.

梅德韦捷夫说,他上任之后首次出访的国家就将是独联体国家。He says his first foreign visit will be to one of the CIS countries.

奥巴马这次高调的出访之旅已经到达约旦。Obama was speaking in Jordan during his highly- publicized trip abroad.

正如霍斯特所说的那样,我期待着我们共同出访非洲。I am looking forward to our joint visit to Africa, as Horst has mentioned.

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这次会晤是自哈里里被暗杀以后,阿萨德首次出访贝鲁特。The meeting marks Mr. Assad's first visit to Beirut since the assassination.

胡锦涛表示很高兴在出访拉美途中经停葡萄牙的波尔图市。Hu said he was very delighted to stop over at Porto en route to Latin America.

女王多次出访均乘坐皇家游艇“大不列颠号”。Many of The Queen's official tours were undertaken on the Royal Yacht Britannia.

他在即将以总统身份首次出访中东时如是说了以上一番话。Mr. Obama was speaking on the eve of his first presidential visit to the region.

出访前夕,我还在与他合作主编一本大书。Shortly before I went abroad, this friend and I had been coeditor of a big book.

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72岁的美智子皇后能否出访一直令人担忧。Concerns had been raised that the 72-year-old empress might not be up to the trip.

你们看没看见他出访德国的时候,人们开始呼喊,‘我们做得到!Did you see while he was visiting Germany, the crowd startedchanting, 'Yes, we can!

为了避免陷入政治流沙,上任伊始,她就闪电出访诸国。To avoid political quicksands, she let visits abroad dominate her first few months.