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这种轰隆隆的声音震天动地,我们觉得房子的地基都在颤抖。We feel the foundations shaking.

激浪轰隆隆地拍打着荒凉的海岸。Surf booms upon a desolate shore.

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雾号轰隆隆地发出警告。The foghorn boomed out its warning.

坦克轰隆隆地驶过大桥。The tanks thundered over the bridge.

火车轰隆隆地爬上山去。The train went chugging up the hill.

它在天顶上轰隆隆地行驶。It rolled on top of a sonorous vault.

炮兵轰隆隆地发出十九响礼炮。The artillery boomed a 19-gun salute.

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列车轰隆隆地驶离了小站。The train surged off the small station.

接着是一阵轰隆隆的爆炸声。There follweed a series of crashing explosions.

突然远处传来轰隆隆的马达声。Suddenly roaring motors sounded in the distance.

岁月就这么轰隆隆撵过一个又一个生命中的切片。Years so rumbled out live another life in the slice.

网络行业的引领者都看到了这辆网络服务列车正轰隆隆的向我们驶来。The leading players on the web all see the train coming.

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他就这样,在轰隆隆的大雨中,牵着我的手回家了。He led long a my hand to go home in the heavy rain bombing so.

突然火车轰隆隆地驶入一个隧道,四周的一切都漆黑一团。Suddenly the train roared into a tunnel and everything was black.

一座曾一度休眠的火山不时传来不祥的轰隆隆声这可是个不好的预兆。The ominous rumblings from a once-dormant volcano were a bad omen.

几辆巨大的像拖拉机一样的机器轰隆隆的走过他身边。Around him is the roar of equipment as huge tractor-like machines thunder past.

很久以前的一个晚春,一队战车轰隆隆地在平原上疾驰而过。Long, long ago, a file of chariots rumbled quickly across the plain late one spring.

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她在上班,机器“轰隆隆”地响,她跑出来着急地问我怎么了。She is at work, the machine" rumble " in the ring, she ran out anxiously asked me how.

在最近的15个月许多毁灭性的地震在太平洋版块下轰隆隆地进行着。Several devastating earthquakes have rumbled beneath the Pacific in the past 15 months.

轰隆隆的瀑布和绵延的群山对人的意识会有强烈的冲击。Dramatic waterfalls and remote mountains make a strong impact on a person’s consciousness.