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三个工序在同一锅内一气呵成。Three processes in the same pot at one go.

做事多有分歧,不能一气呵成。Many differences, can't do things in one take.

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一气呵成的方法可能更要求有好的规划。Straight ahead usually requires more pre-planning.

“这个过程是极其漫长和使人疲惫,”克洛珀斯说,“两个人坐在面对面寻求一个一气呵成价格是非常艰难的。"The process is very protracted and exhausting, " Kloppers said.

它是如此的精彩,以至于我立即读下去,一气呵成。It is so wonderful that I wanner to read the next one immediately!

由于前期准备充分,他的毕业论文一气呵成。With good preparations, he got his graduation thesis done at one go.

用了它你可以一气呵成地下载浩如烟海的流行软件。You can install a huge number of popular software at one go with this tool.

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整场演出一气呵成,恢宏大气,震撼全场。The whole show at one go, the magnificent atmosphere, shocking the audience.

没有称量,自由随性的一气呵成,就成了上图的模样。No weighing, along with the gender of freedom in one take, became the appearance.

您的任务是,最后几英里要跑得像一阵风,强劲有力,一气呵成。The mission is to run the last few miles like a strong wind, solid and consistent.

②采用即贴胶带封口,经济快速、容易调整,上下封箱一气呵成。The tape seal is affixed, rapid, easy to adjust the upper and lower sealing at one go.

电影或戏剧的剧本最好一口气读完,好比一气呵成的看完一部电影或者一出戏。Always read a script in one sitting, just as you would when watching a movie or a play.

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我一向爱看独幕剧,因为可以一气呵成地看一个情节连贯的故事。I've always enjoyed one act plays because it allows the storyline to go straight through.

这个旅程一气呵成,在很多年内他都保持着世界最多倒转轨道的纪录。The ride is remarkably smooth and held the world record for the most inversions for many years.

这篇文章的视角独特,秉笔直抒,入木三分,一气呵成。The view point of this article is unique, and its description is direct and penetrating at one time.

接到写作任务后,只要领导简单授意,我便能一气呵成,并且别人很难挑出毛病。Writing task, so long as to lead simple, I was able to incite letup, and the other is hard to fault.

不过仔细一看,你会发现他们的安排相当合理,事实上,简直是一气呵成。But look again and you will find that their arrangement does have a sense and, in fact, a contextual one.

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需要经验丰富的裁剪师傅仔细测量身材采寸,然后裁制成衣一气呵成。Need to experience the rich cutting teacher carefully measure, and then cut in inches figure garment in one take.

这种历史的沧桑感,是通过具体的笔触,肌理和一气呵成的整体画面效果来呈现。The vicissitudes of this historical sense is presented by specific strokes, texture and coherent overall picture.

一旦习惯了阅读这种具有挑战的书,我认为你将一气呵成而不用反复阅读理解了。Once you get used to reading challenging books, I think you’ll findthat you aren’t tempted to go back to page-turners.