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与贤妻为伴路遥不觉远。No road is long with your wife.

他人不知鬼不觉地溜走了。He sloped off without being seen.

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走起路来,不觉平添了几分尊严。A new dignity crept into his walk.

途有好伴,不觉路远。No road is long with good company.

愉快不觉时光过。Happiness tooks no account of time.

他已经昏迷不觉了三天,家人都很担心。His three-day coma worried his family.

不觉入梦梦亦空。Unconsciously dream dreams also empty.

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他乘人不觉溜出房间。He slipped unobserved out of the house.

你可知,为何你身在印航不觉累?。You are in Air-India , do you know why?

不觉寒暑之切肌,利欲之感情。It cut muscle, 46 of the unite feelings.

欢快与好意,劳动不觉累。Cheerfulness and goodwill make labour light.

我的眼睛不觉在秋季清朗的风中湿润发热。My wet eyes felt warm in the brisk autumn wind.

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有时甚至婚礼上的伴侣都浑然不觉。Sometimes not even the marriage partner is aware.

想着,不觉轻轻叹息,清愁溢满字里行间。Think of, never sigh Qingchou, between the lines.

谢谢,您不觉得不应该有褶皱吗?But don't you think the pleats should not be there?

也许我可以神不知鬼不觉地溜进教室。Perhaps I can sneak out of the classroom unnoticed.

他已经神不知鬼不觉的逐渐赢得了她的爱情。He had insidiously wormed his way into her affections.

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因为有他,在冬天我不觉寒冷,在夏日我不觉酷热。I'm never too cold in winter, summer, I'm never too hot.

起初他们只感到惊怕,并不觉痛。They were frightened but did not feel any pain at first.

在最崇高的灵修中,我们变得浑然不觉自我。In the most lofty devotion we become unconscious of self.