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KBA显微镜像差分析。Analysis of KBA aberrations.

什么是电子显微镜?What’s an electron microscope?

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他调整显微镜的透镜以定焦点。He focuses the lens of a microscope.

混料机,压机,固化炉,显微镜等。Mixer, Press, ovens, microscope, etc.

首先,学习显微镜如何调焦。First, learn how to focus the microscope.

KBA显微镜成像质量评价。Analysis of KBA microscope imaging quality.

他撇嘴坏笑,把显微镜推给我。He smirked and pushed the microscope to me.

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KBA显微镜系统参数误差分析。Analysis of KBA microscope parameters error.

木射线中等,显微镜下宽2-6个细胞。Medium-ray, under the microscope W 2-6 cells.

望远镜和显微镜是光学仪器。Microscopes and telescopes are optical instruments.

扫描隧道显微镜是一种低海岸调幅声发射模块。STM is a low coast A. S. K. SAW transmitter module.

望远镜和显微镜都是光学仪器。Telescopes and microscopes are optical instruments.

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最轻微的运动都会使显微镜散焦。The slightest movement will defocus the microscope.

显微镜和望远镜常把我们给搞胡涂了!Microscopes and telescopes really confuse our minds.

显微镜照片,产甲烷细菌。A microscope photo of the methane-producing bacteria.

这架显微镜把实物放大了200倍。The microscope magnified the object two hundred times.

在显微镜下呈光亮的椭圆形小体。The spore looks bright, often ovoid in the microscope.

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在显微镜下,神经元像尺蠖在移动。Under a microscope, neurons move like little inchworms.

显微镜可以观察到微小的物体。The microscope capacitates small objects to be observed.

我利用显微镜观察这朵花的裂片。I am using microscope to observe the lobes of the flower.