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甚至一些有临场经验的演员也失常了。Even the seasoned troupers fall apart.

没有气定神闲的临场感。Telepresence without presence of mind.

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这真是多亏干部们的临场冷静与机智。That all thanks to our leaders' calmness and wittiness.

这真是多亏领导们的临场冷静与机智。That all thanks to our leaders' calmness and wittiness.

对于我们大部分人来说,最后时刻一临场,自己话就冲口而出。Most of us, when we finally get the floor, just blurt it out.

小红为了钱而临场撤诉,使田歌受到打击。Small red face for money nolle prosequi, make Tian Ge is hit.

她拍的每一张照片中都传递出一种临场感,使人有如亲临现场。In every one of her pictures she conveys a sense of immediacy.

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他有着非常高的执教水平,临场指挥经验也极为丰富。He played at the top level and has vast experience in the game.

所谓临场的发挥,就是在现场压力下选手的技巧能够发挥的程度。On-the-spot response is player's exertion under present pressure.

小抄是最方便的临场参考,远比那些砖头似的参考书要好使多了。I could make full use of cheat sheets in place of those bulky reference 'bricks.

所有伟大的运动选手,他们都极为重视临场的心理状态。All world class players they pay much attention to their mental state on the spot.

通过操纵滚动条使得临场感很强,可吸引人们动手点击。Enhencing live feeling by operating the scroll bar attracts people to click on it.

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他欠缺像阿里一样的胜利欲望和临场机变,在23岁的时候泰森便丢掉了冠军头衔。He lacked Ali’s force of will and ability to improvise, and he lost his title at 23.

本文介绍了一种具有力觉触觉临场感的主从机器人系统。This paper introduces a master-slave robot system with force and touch telepresence.

本文设计研制的机器人触觉临场感系统能对现场的物体进行分类、识别。The study of tactile tele presence technique injects energy into robotic development.

雅虎被微软临场抛弃的唯一好处是这桩婚姻终将以暗淡的失败告终。S last-minute jilting by Microsoft is that the marriage would only have failed dismally.

在抵达桃园机场后,相关工作人员登机对“团团”“圆圆”进行了约半小时的临场检疫。Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan, finished quarantine examinations in half an hour at the airport.

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凯利正在和一个临场医学家一起努力并计划找个精神病专家来看看她的抑郁症。Kelly has been working with a therapist and plans to see a psychiatrist about her depression.

我听了他们的故事,但是我没有对任何人做出临场评定。“I heard their stories, but I did not do a clinical evaluation of anyone, ” said Schneiderman.

实验表明,本系统可以较好地实现大时延遥操作中的临场感作业。It is a valid solution of the long time delay in a teleoperation system as the experiment shows.