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亲爱的室女座,开心一点。Be happy, dear Virgo.

是两只天鹅在室女星座的相逢。Two swans meeting on the Jungfrau.

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这块牌子装饰着室女宫的标记。This plaque is decorated with the sign of Virgo.

室女座是过于敏感,只有当它的实际是敏感。Virgo is sensitive too, only if it's practical to be sensitive.

在狮子座和室女座之间,两个星系慢慢合并成一个星系。Between constellations Leo and Virgo, two galaxies slowly become one.

孤男寡女共处一室女的还在抹眼泪,别人看见了会怎么想。Needing a room female still wipe tears, others will see how to think.

室女座是地球的迹象,使土星的重点是在这里和现在。Virgo is an earth sign, putting Saturn's focus on what's here and now.

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这个美丽的宇宙岛处在巨大的室女星系团中。The lovely island universe resides in the large Virgo cluster of galaxies.

土星,良师的星球,已经引导室女宫到现在了,但是从七月21日起将进去天秤。Saturn, the teacher planet, has been touring Virgo until now, but will move into Libra on July 21.

天文学家们认为银河系离室女星群中心的距离比以前认为的要远或近20%。The astronomers say the galaxy could be as much as 20 percent nearer or farther than Virgo's core.

在其他夜里,不同的信号会让你知道你正在看室女座最亮的星。On other nights, different telltale signs let you know that you're looking at Virgo's brightest star.

仔细地观察这张照片,你还会发现许多室女座星系群的成员星系,它们都是模糊的小块。A closer examination of the image will reveal many Virgo cluster member galaxies as small fuzzy patches.

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圣女玛利亚是室女座,也被成为室女宫。室女在拉丁语里意味着处女。The Virgin Mary is the constellation Virgo, also known as Virgo the Virgin. Virgo in Latin means virgin.

它属于位于它西边的室女座,也属于位于它东面的天蝎座。It was part of Virgo, located to the west of Libra. And it was part of Scorpius, located to Libra's east.

这条弧线由北斗的斗柄开始,沿著柄身的弧度,经过牧夫座的主星大角,最后到达室女座主星角宿一。The curve stretches from the handle of the dipper to arcturus in bootes all the way down to spica in virgo.

如果您要请人洗西装,只要把它同填好的洗衣单一起放在畲洗室女服务员看得见的地方就行了。If you want to have your suit clean, just leave it in your closet with the laundry SLIP where the maid can see it.

他注解道银河的北边指向的是室女座大星云,一个临近星系聚在一起组成的庞然大物。He notes that the Milky Way’s north side points toward the Virgo cluster, an enormous nearby gathering of galaxies.

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室女座星系团位于本超星系团之中,他的重力影响减缓了邻近星系的速度。The Virgo cluster lies within the Local Supercluster , and its gravitational effects slow down the nearby galaxies.

在室女座,小部分你的饮食问题,以及如何平衡你的东西,从而放松。In Virgo, the small components of your diet matter, as well as how well you balance things, allowing for relaxation.

而在地球明智室女座,土星也可能会很难教训时所发生的土壤,空气,水中毒。While in earth-wise Virgo, Saturn will likely have hard lessons about what happens when the soil, air, water are poisoned.