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靠着炉火暖和一下。Warm up by the fire.

风也暖和起来了。The breeze is warmer.

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蜜蜂窝很暖和。Honey bees brood warm.

幸福就是能让屁股暖和。Hapiness is a warm butt.

这件外衣会使你暖和的。This coat will kep you warm.

一人独睡,怎能暖和呢?But how can one be warm alone?

来烤烤火暖和暖和。Come and get warm by the fire.

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西镇的秋天还很暖和。Autumn is still warm in Xizhen.

天冷了,请穿上暖和的衣服。Itrs cold. Please warm clothes.

春天天气暖和。树变绿。It is in spring. The trees turn.

那里面又暖和又亮堂。It was warm in there and bright.

明天即暖和又阳光充足。Tomorrow will be warm and sunny.

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精纺毛料套装很暖和。Worsted suits are nice and warm.

他对着手指呵气,使之暖和。He blew his fingers to warm them.

给我们带来沮暖和幸福。It brings us warmth and happiness.

在低海拔区会暖和些。It was warmer at lower elevations.

掌心的暖和、融化了心里的那块冰。Palm's warm heart, melted the ice.

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他们烧煤使房间暖和。They burned coal to heat the room.

天气多么暖和,多么晴朗呀!What a warm and sunshiny day it is!

冬天过去了,天气会暖和起来的。Der Winter ist vorbei. Es wird warm.