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在家庭遭受巨变时,创业要讲究量力而为。Don's overstretch your start-up in times of family upheaval.

至少你得到了一个有价值的教训,就是做事情要量力而为。At least you learned a valuable lesson about not getting in over your head.

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至少你患上到了一个有价值的教训,就是干工作要量力而为。Bt least you learned a valuable lesson about not getting in over your head.

教练在示范的时候,一直强调初学者要平心静气,量力而为。Coach in the demonstration, has been emphasized beginners to breathe, your best.

提前还贷应量力而为,适合手中有闲钱的居民。Ability to be ahead of schedule owing on the loan, there is room for the hands of residents.

“仍有大量对于比赛的需求,但俱乐部总是不能量力而为,而且总是负债运作,不过,没有人会让它们破产”。There is a lot of demand, but clubs always overspend and always run into debt, but nobody lets them go bust.

我本人是北外外交英语专业毕业,所以请非法律英语专业网友量力而为。PS I am in the North, diplomatic English graduate, so non-English legal professional users to tailor our thinking.

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次数量力而为,但每次最好不间断地至少做三到五组最理想。The frequency acts accordingly, but had better not do discontinuously at least every time 3 go to 5 groups the idealest.

使严重残疾人士有机会过上优质的生活,有机会量力而为地为社会作出或多或少的贡献。Possibilities for the severe disabled to have a life with quality and a chance to contribute to the society less or much according to there ability.

由于每次行程均有快慢,故到达时间可能会有早或有慢,建议各参加者佩带头盔,并自行判断自己身体状�,量力而为。The arrival time mentioned above of each check point is for reference only. Please bring with your own equipments, like helmet, water, food, spare tyres, tools and dress appropriately.