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第二种模式是始终联机模式。The next pattern is the always-online pattern.

使您可以搜索其他联机帮助。Allows you to search for additional help online.

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招待,网设计,联机提升和更多!Hosting , web design, online promotion and more!

什么是联机支持资源,它们位于何处?What and where are the online support resources?

银会员多人联机能玩咩?Can Silver profiles play verus multiplayer matches?

修正了一个联机游戏的决策性错误。Fixed a bug that was making problems on net gaming.

大多数阅读器支持联机和断开模式。Most readers support both online and disconnected mode.

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文档错误存在于手册或联机帮助中。Documentation bugs reside in the manuals or online help.

从未归档联机日志文件的丢失中恢复。Recovering from the loss of an unarchived online log file

本教程其他语言版本及中文繁体版也可免费联机使用。Some of the courses are also available in other languages.

如果您在联机目录中查找的话,您会很容易地找到您要的资料。You can find what you need easily if you search in the OPAC.

传真的更多信息,请参阅联机用户指南。For more information about faxing, see the online User Guide.

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命令行用法不正确。请查看联机帮助中的使用准则。Command line usage is incorrect. See online help for guidelines.

由于尼娜进入联机的资格被否认了,她只好请托尼帮忙找联系员的电话号码。With her online access denied, she must ask Tony for the number.

大部分的计算机游戏都是实时联机的,因为这样比较刺激。Most computer games are real-time, because they are more exciting.

联机帮助,当时很多产品都没有提供的这种特性。On-line help, a feature not offered in many products at this time.

控制器事件,电源恢复联机。信息性消息。Controller Event, Power Supply Back On-line. Informational message.

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他帮助她的命令与相机联机,美代子在屏幕上点击了一下。He helped her order the camera online. Miyoko clicked on the screen.

它提供透明的故障转移支持两个ADSL联机。It provides transparent fail over support with two ADSL connections.

它们为我们所展示的社会行为提供了联机上下文。They provide the online contexts for the social behaviors we exhibit.