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带者瘟疫肆虐张狂,直把婚礼变成灵堂。And blights with Plagues the Marriage hearse.

甚至请他的客人跟他一块到祖先的灵堂里去。that he invited his guests to join him in the Hall of Ancestors.

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从烟囱中跑出来的气味就像从地下灵堂或潮湿的地方跑出的一样。Odours, as from vaults and damp places, came out of the chimneys.

坐在灵堂里专门请来哭丧的女人。Women invited to join the crying in the room where the coffin was placed.

那,老人家,你知道,灵堂里供奉的是什么吗?That, old man's house, you know, what is what to work properly an inside oblation ?

现在,如图所示,棺材通常都放置在地上灵堂。Today, caskets are usually placed in above-ground-vaults, like the ones pictured here.

公祭进行到一半时,突然有一位叫秦失的客人跑到灵堂里。As the mourning ceremony processed halfway, one mourner called Qinshi suddenly rushed into the hall.

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然而,在她之前,已经有多少代像她这样的女人,带着蒙在眼上的绷带沉入了家族的地下灵堂呢?But how many generations of the women who had gone to her making had descended bandaged to the family vault?

悼念者们经过停在一旁的灵车走进灵堂,灵车里停放的是爱因斯坦的遗体。Mourners walk into the service for Einstein, passing the parked hearse that carried his body from Princeton.

正在奇怪时,传来了一阵哭天抢地的哭声,两人惊讶看见,许多人正在洪少余的灵堂前祭拜。Is strange, came a cry cry, two people surprised to see, many people are Shaoyu worship hall before the flood.

那三天里会有很多人将吃住在灵堂一起分享与死去人的记忆。Many people will sleep and eat on the marae during these three days and share their memories of the dead person.

但对自己第一次近距离体验入殓仪式我却是毫无准备,尽管这只是灵堂的一整套葬礼程序的一部分。But I wasn't prepared for my first up-close experience at an encoffination, which was part of the funeral hall's ceremony package.

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忽然灵堂内响起了一声疼痛的呻吟,死去的唐向天已活了过来。The moan namely suddenly worked properly to ring out one pain inside the hall, Tang of dying has already lived to come over to the sky.

子贡抵达现场时,发现孟子反及子琴张两人在灵堂内手弹乐器,口中唱着他们自己编的曲子。When Zi Gong arrived, he saw Men Zifan and Ziqin Zhang playing music and singing the song that they themselves composed in the mourning hall.

几个人都是大吃一惊,谁能想到,名臣会将地下室建成灵堂呢?How many persons all are to get a shock, who can thought of, famous official be the meeting finished the ground floor to work properly a hall?

亲人们聚集在佛事灵堂为“亡者”做超生仪式时,“死者”突然开始呼吸、渐渐苏醒。The man's relatives were in a Buddhist mourning hall, reciting prayers over the dead body, when it gasped and woke up, the Shanghai Daily reports.

陈定南生前吩咐死后不要为他设置灵堂,也毋须为他守灵,维持他一贯的低调作风。Sticking to his low-key manner, Chen left instructions that no wake will be held and no shrine with his portrait will be set up for him after his passing.

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老聃的灵堂布置得庄严肃穆,弟子们分列两旁,静静地分别向前来祭吊的宾客回礼。The mourning hall for Laodan was adorned with stateliness and solemnness. His disciples standing on both sides, saluted silently back to the coming mourners.

老聃的灵堂布置得庄严肃穆,弟子们分列两旁,静静地分别向前来祭吊的宾客回礼。The mourning hall for Laodan was adorned with stateliness and solemnness . His disciples standing on both sides, saluted silently back to the coming mourners.

在出事现场一公里以外的临时灵堂中,250多名死难者家属在那里聚集,他们中的一些人痛斥那些政府官员。At a makeshift memorial centre about one kilometre from the disaster site, more than 250 grief-stricken family members gathered, many lashing out at city officials.