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雀鹰能在超短距离通过加速来冲向它的猎物。Sparrowhawks pounce on their prey by accelerating over short distances.

当雀鹰‘锁定’一个目标后,它从来没有反悔过。When a hunting sparrowhawk 'locks on' to a target there is no turning back.

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杜鹃和雀鹰之间的相似性自古以来就是引发评论的原因。THE resemblance between cuckoos and sparrow hawks has been a cause of comment since ancient times.

象斑纹京燕鸟和食雀鹰这样的鸟类,甚至根据食物的多少而改变喂养策略。Some, such as pied flycatchers and sparrow hawks, even change tack as the availability of food changes.

在“雅典”、诺曼底”与“食雀鹰”山头之上,战事间歇时,皇家海军陆战队员喜欢沉浸在阳光中。Up on Athens, Normandy and Sparrow Hawk, the Royal Marines like to soak up the sun during lulls in the fighting.

一个年轻男孩,雀鹰,靠着从身为当地女巫的姨妈那儿学来的半点儿魔法拯救村。A young boy known as Sparrowhawk saves his village with a smattering of magic he learned from his aunt, a local witch.

尽管直到现在,还没有人认为要更仔细的观察这些,和考查杜鹃是是否真的在模仿雀鹰?Until now, though, no one has thought to take that observation any further, and test whether the one is truly mimicking the other.

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另外,还记录到了苍鹰、普通鵟、白头鹞、雀鹰、红隼等猛禽。In addition, some Accipiter, such as Northern Goshawk, Common Buzzard, Eurasian Marsh Harrier, Eurasian sparrowhawk, Common Kestrel, etc.

人类早已辨认得出杜鹃与食雀鹰,不过这是首次研究杜鹃的把戏对其宿主的影响。The visible similarity between cuckoos and sparrow hawks was already clear, but this is the first study to show the effect the trickery has on host birds.

在雀鹰激烈追逐猎物时,它们有可能撞击在窗户上,汽车上,以及从花棚到虾笼的有限空间都会变成它们的陷阱。In the heat of the chase sparrowhawks have collided with windows, struck cars and become trapped in confined spaces ranging from garden sheds to lobster pots.

她蹲在贝拉前臂厚重的护臂上面,看起来还不到一只雀鹰那么大,四翼收起,警惕的目光环视着四周。It settled on the heavy sheath on her forearm now, a creature no bigger than a sparrow-hawk, ruffling its double sets of wings and gazing around suspiciously.