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有一次在街上,我一脚绊倒扑倒在一个素不相识的陌生人身上。I once tripped and fell onto a complete stranger in the street!

我向素不相识的人们打探我一直想知道的事。I got to ask total strangers the things I'd always wanted to know.

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这些素不相识的网友来到Thessa家时,她和家人都不在家。Thessa and her family were not at home when the partygoers arrived.

我们仍然素不相识,因此我还不能肯定是否真心爱你。I do not know you so I can not say if I have love for you in my heart.

一千五百个与我素不相识的人,和我从未有过关联的人,就这么被炸死了.。Fifteen hundred people that I never met, never had no problem with, get killed.

四川大地震见证了危难中的那些素不相识者的善举。The Sichuan earthquake gave witness to the kindness of strangers in an emergency.

我们容易相信那些素不相识的人,因为他们从未欺骗过我们。Unacquainted people are more easily to be trusted, because they'd never cheated us.

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很快,这些图像可能会包括某个刚刚走进咖啡馆的素不相识的美女。Soon, this may include the beautiful female stranger who just entered the coffee place.

三年前的那个夏天,我们还是一群素不相识的人,每天都乘坐巴士。We were a very motley crowd of people who took the bus every day that summer 3 years ago.

三年前的那个夏天,我们还是一群素不相识的人,每天都乘坐巴士。We were a very motley crowd of people who took the bus every day that summer three years ago.

这个理论的意思是,世界上任何两个素不相识的人,通过6个中间人、甚至更少,就可以取得联系。It's the idea that anyone on Earth is connected to each other via 6 degrees of contact, or less.

随后,受测者们还被要求对于这些素不相识的人们的“哈哈镜”照进行打分。Afterward, the study participants were asked to rate distorted photos of people they didn't know.

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每天晚上,他都必须为一群素不相识的人表演同样的节目——并且要使演出具有说服力。Every night he had to give the same performance to a new bunch of strangers — and make it convincing.

他们会探寻我的个人生活,加以失实报道,并被素不相识的人利用来赚钱。My personal life will be found out, inaccurately reported, and used to make money for absolute strangers.

安萨莉和怀兹素不相识,但透过怀兹失去而安萨莉获得的那份工作,他们之间有了关联。Ansari and Weitz are total strangers, but are connected through the job that Weitz lost and Ansari gained.

素不相识的人,偶然走过,会注目久视,时叫她的清新鲜嫩所迷住。Strangers would look long at her in casually passing by, and grow momentarily fascinated by her freshness.

一项新的研究显示,素不相识的人的评价会极大地影响你对另一半的选择。The opinions of total strangers can greatly influence your choice of romantic partners, a new study suggests.

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尽管此前我们素不相识,但他们对我这远方的客人表现出了极大的爱心和关怀。Although we did not know each other before I went there, they showed love and caring to a foreigner from afar.

我常空着肚子在大街上东跑西颠,有时也去拜访素不相识的人,例如德洛姆夫人。Dancing the streets on an empty belly and now and then calling on strange people – Madame Delorme, for instance.

很多人都相信,一位心甘情愿为一个素不相识的人牺牲这么多的母亲应该为社会所珍爱。Many believe that a mother who was willing to sacrifice so much for a complete stranger should be cherished by society.