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他们住在泥坯造的土屋里。They live in mud huts.

你住在土屋还是宾馆?Do you stay in a hogan or in a hotel?

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小仓诚。土屋浩。中山睦氯化橡胶的制法。Tsuchiya. Hiroshi. Kokura Preparation process of chlorinated rubber.

在农村,她和父母、两个妹妹、一个弟弟住在两间房的土屋里。She was living in a rural village in a two-room mud hut with her parents, two sisters and a brother.

这个村庄有百来户人家,住在红砖垒成的瓦房或者黄色的土屋里。The village boasts about a hundred families live in the house made of red bricks or yellow earth house.

就是这样极其简陋的乡村土屋,住名门之后五年之久。Exactly, in such shabby country rooms, was once lived the descendant of notable family more than five years.

在刚果,受害的妇女依旧住在简陋的土屋内,每天还在为生存而挣扎,还有很多人会被丈夫遗弃。The raped women in Congo still live in mud huts, still struggle daily to survive, and many will still be rejected by their husbands.

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土屋汽车旅馆,一个很棒有12英寸厚的土坯墙旅馆。不要在乎它的名字,任何人访问库伯佩迪,建议住这个地方。Mud Hut Motel, a nice adobe motel with walls that are 12 inches thick. Despite its name, recommend this place to anyone visiting Coober Pedy.

花园南边的枇杷树下有一间简陋的小土屋,那是给佣人住的,哈桑和他的父亲就住在里面。On the south end of the garden, in the shadows of a loquat tree, was the servants' home, a modest little mud hut where Hassan lived with his father.

这一切,都让刚刚从劳改农场的黄土屋里钻出来的上官金童感到新鲜、陌生,那惴惴不安的心情更加沉重了。All of these were fresh and unknown to Shangguan who just now crept out of the yellow clay room of the reforming farm. His anxious heart sunk even more.

然而,Poyais是个虚构的国家。当移民抵达目的地时,发现所谓的“首都”就是被沼泽地和危险的印第安人包围的一些土屋。Yet the country was fictitious and the emigrants found on arrival that the "capital" was a collection of mud huts surrounded by swamps and threatening Indians.

间杂在稻草土屋之间的有新盖的水泥砖房,后面是农民和稻田、美丽的故事和痛苦的回忆。Among the mud and straw houses, there are new houses of brick and cement, and behind these are farmers, and rice fields, and stories of beauty, and memories of pain.

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土屋特大型斑岩铜矿位于东天山吐鲁番-哈密陆块南部边缘岛弧环境中。Tuwu largest type porphyry copper deposit is located in the island arc environment in the south margin of Turpan- Hami continental segment of eastern Tianshan Mountain.

古代土城堡垒型的土屋只有部分被照亮,使得细部有了表现,与阴暗部形成对照。This image was shot at sunset, when only a part of the fortified mud houses in the ancient kasbah was lit. This picks out the detail, and sets it against the darker shadow areas.

除了完成太阳能供电系统,建造第一座土屋,部族成员参观了约翰.欧贝村的学校,并在课堂上即兴给孩子们上了一堂地理课。Aside from completing the solar tower and working on the first earth-bag dome, the tribe members visited the local school in John Obey village to teach an impromptu geography lesson.