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增加套种和禽畜-作物一体化。Step up double cropping and livestock-crop integration.

对玉米套种作业和幼苗生长也有好处。It is also good for maize interplanting operation, as well as seedlings growth.

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结果表明,套种可节约投入费用,具有良好的经济效益。The result showed that potato intercropped by maize may decrease cost of the crops.

药用植物和花生套种可以有效调节土壤微生物区系。Peanut intercropped with medicinal plants could regulate soil microbial community effectively.

简要介绍了在幼龄梅园套种南瓜的栽培技术。Cultural techniques of interplanting pumpkin in young plum garden were summarized in this paper.

在校园绿化过程中,大树的移栽和草坪的套种是两个棘手问题。In campus afforestation, the two thorny problems are big trees transplanting and lawns interplanting.

介绍笔者最新研究成功的麦林套种地膜棉联合播种机械化技术。The technique of combined sowing mechanization for film covered cotton in wheat field has been developed.

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两条播种腿可任意取下一条,以适用套种点播。Each of the two legs for sowing can be arbitrarily disassembled to be applicable for interplant spot sowing.

新植茶园间套种蔬菜也有较高的经济效益。In addition, higher economy benefit was also achieved from the interplantation of vegetable in new tea garden.

从混交情况看,南酸枣套种紫穗槐是一种很好的造林方式。Mixing Choerospondias axillaris with Amorpha fruticosa together was found to be a good method for afforestation.

简要介绍这四种作物的间作套种技术及获得高产、高效的技术关键。This paper introduced the interplanting technology of these crops and key practices to get high yield and benefits.

旱粮棉区的棉农创造了多种棉花和粮食作物的间作套种方式。In the dry crop areas, the cotton planters have developed various patterns relay-interplanting of cotton and cereals.

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这些改善将包括更多的套种、免耕种植和更多的禽畜-作物一体化提供的全年现金流。This will include more double cropping, no-till farming and more livestock-crop integration providing year-round cash flow.

通过几年的试验示范,确定了相应的套种布局和品种配置,并推广了行之有效的高产高效配套技术。By experimental demonstration, the matching way was determined and the culture technology of high production was popularized.

马铃薯在山东省可春秋两季栽培,适合与玉米、棉花、蔬菜等多种作物间作套种。The potatoes in this area are suitable for intercropping with many other crops such as corn, cotton, watermelon, and some vegetables.

据此,实行间作套种,增种爬地作物,也是减少坡耕地水土流失的有效措施。Thereforce, adopting intercropping and interplanting, increasing crawling crop can efficiently decrease soil loss from sloping farmland.

同时在大田条件下,研究改良3∶1式麦棉套作系统中套种行土壤养分、微生物数量和土壤酶活性的变化。Under sand culture condition, cotton and wheat seedlings were planted in the form of the improved 3∶1 wheat-cotton intercropping system.

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通过分级取样测定法,对马尾松纯林及其林下套种格氏栲的混交林生物量空间结构进行了分析。By the hierarchical sampling methods, the spatial structure of biomass was analyzed for the ecosystems of pure Pinus massoniana plantation and the mixed P.

采用间作套种与单种相结合的方式人工栽培野生薇菜成活率高、出苗多、整齐、粗壮。The cultivation of wild Osmunda japonica Thumb alone or intercropped with other crops resulted in high survival rate and germination rate of the healthy seedlings.

间套种大大提高了作物的产量,有效地利用了土地,李隆说,间套种的这种优势能够满足世界上不断增长的食物需要。The greater yields and more efficient land utilisation resulting from intercropping could be a significant factor in meeting the increasing global food demand, said Li.