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他的勇气不禁令人肃然起敬。His courage make me respecting for him.

令人肃然起敬的男家长,家中令人肃然起敬的父亲角色。The venerable paterfamilias, the venerable father of the family.

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菲尔普斯的八块金牌和七项世界纪录让人肃然起敬。Phelps' eight gold medals and seven world records left you in awe.

博物馆的外墙让人肃然起敬,内部由中德建筑家共同重新改建。The interior was rebuilt by Chinese and German architects together.

问题是大多数人对你只是肃然起敬。The problem is that most people are awestruck by your fabulousness.

那倾泻而至的爱心鼓励和力量令人肃然起敬由衷惊叹。We were awe-struck by this outpouring of love, inspiration, and energy.

有时候它甚至会来自内部,并且是来自于那些令人肃然起敬的科学巨头。Sometimes it comes from within, sometimes from really awesome scientific minds.

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我们不知道究竟哪一样最使人肃然起敬,是他面色的惨白呢,还是他神。They did not know which was most worthy of admiration, his pallor or his serenity.

我向来以为海上的葬礼是非常严肃的,令人肃然起敬的事。I had always conceived a burial at sea to be a very solemn and awe-inspiring event.

他坦诚告诉我他如何使用轮换制度,我马上对他肃然起敬。He was honest with me about how he used the rotation system so I had immediate respect for him.

看那土林,酷似一座座欧式古堡遗址,森严壁垒,令人肃然起敬。Lin look at the soil, like Block, a European-style castle ruins, guarded barriers, it is respect.

得知站在我们眼前的这个人是全国劳模,我们肃然起敬。On knowing that the man in front of us was a national model worker, we were filled with deep esteem.

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在巫师世界延续了近十个世纪的弋德里克。格兰芬多教堂让人肃然起敬。The house of Godric Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizard world for nearly 10 centuries.

我不禁肃然起敬,惊叹这个都市的巨大规模和旺盛的活力。I stared in awe and could not but marvel at the sheer size of the metropolis and its beaming vitality.

如果说有什么变化的话,那就是随着时间的流逝,他变得更加巍然耸立,更加令人肃然起敬,同时也更加神秘莫测。If anything, with the passage of time, he only looms larger—more impressive, and also more mysterious.

这些人你见过一次,拥有美妙的时光或是他们让你肃然起敬,之后便再没有机会遇见。These are people you meet once, have a great time with or are awe-struck by, and then never see again.

每个灵魂都是崇高的,每个灵魂都是庄严华美的,每个灵魂也都发着令人肃然起敬的璀璨光辉。Every soul was grand, every soul was magnificent, and every soul shone with the brilliance of My awesome light.

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如果耶稣的曾祖知道在他里面隐藏着的东西的话,他不会对自己肃然起敬吗?If the great-grandfather of Jesus had known what was hidden within him, would he not have stood in awe of himself?

很多年以来,他都使看见的人肃然起敬,感到自己的渺小、卑微,因而渴望着能得到他的拯救。For years, he made he who saw it couldn't help but feel so overawed and dwarfed that they longed for its salvation.

她自尊、内敛、坚强,在美国安家立业的无以数计的伊朗女性都具备这些令我肃然起敬的品质。Her dignity and reserve and strength are qualities I’ve admired in countless Iranian women who have settled in the U.S.